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• comparisons to Commission Alternates and Youth members and them being able to - <br />vote <br />• the requirement to fully understand what is required of the Human Services Commission <br />with the grant process and understanding the work of the agencies requesting grants, <br />which sometimes can require several years. of gathering knowledge <br />• future discussion needed especially regarding -allocation of grant funds <br />Ms. Thomas advised Commissioners Costanzo and Prakash were gathering information and <br />the recommendation could be taken back to the Youth Commission and amended. She also <br />advised that the Youth Commission has the responsibility of reviewing and recommending <br />allocation of grant funds, and some of the same agencies request funds from the Youth_ <br />Commission. <br />Commissioners Clare, Hayes and Sedlak indicated they had concerns with recommending the <br />youth members -of the Human Services Commission be provided the opportunity to vote <br />without further discussion pertaining to the grant allocation process. <br />Commissioner Rubino Brumm indicated she understood the concerns of the other <br />commissions but allowing the youth member to vote was not a concern to her. Commissioner: <br />Powers agreed and felt it was important to receive input from youth members. <br />Commissioner Clare stated that the funding allocation was not her main concern, it was the <br />amount of time required for any commissioner to fully understand the work of the.many <br />agencies. She.questioned whether each. commission receiving this presentation would be <br />allowed to respond separately and felt that youth members on the Human Services. <br />Commission needed more time to fully understand the working of the commission. <br />Commissioner Hayes agreed. She, felt having a voting member on the Library Commission <br />would make sense because of what is currently taking place regarding the possibility of a new <br />library. Commissioners Hayes felt it was important to. receive input fromyouthon this issue. <br />Chairperson Parikh opened the meeting for public comment. There was none so the. <br />meeting was closed for public comment. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Rubino Brumm, seconded. by Commissioner Powers, <br />recommending support for a- Municipal Code Amendment allowing youth members to vote on <br />the Civic Arts, Human Services, Library and. Parks and Recreation Commissions. <br />ROLL CALL VOTE: <br />AYES Commissioners Powers and Rubino Brumm, <br />NOES: Commissioners Carlucci, Clare, Hayes, Sedlak and Chairperson Parikh <br />ABSENT: Commissioner Gohil <br />ABSTAIN: None <br />Ms.. Thomas advised Commissioner Hayes that the. proposed Pilot Program pertained only to <br />the quorum requirement. <br />Human Services Commission <br />October 2, 2019 <br />Page 3 . <br />