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Commissioner Wahl discussed the Century House being a suitable location for wedding and <br />asked about the group size the facility would be able to accommodate. Ms. Murphy stated <br />that a group of 90 for an outside wedding could be accommodated, an indoor wedding would <br />need to be a smaller size. Commissioner Fields discussed use a gazebo for an outdoor <br />wedding with the large room inside being used for a buffet meal. Ms. Murphy provided <br />information about square footage inside the facility. <br />Commissioner Hottle suggested classes that the community desires be offered at this facility <br />and Chairperson Bowers questioned whether specialty classes had been provided at this <br />facility in 2014. <br />Commissioner Fields felt the 2nd floor configuration for the facility should be left in its original <br />state and that an outside elevator to provide access be added. She also suggested another <br />building be added to the site with a catering kitchen and ADA restroom. Commissioner Wahl <br />suggested bi folds could be used on the 2nd floor. Both commissioners felt strongly that as <br />many of the original aspects of this facility be retained. <br />Ms. Murphy reminded Commissioners that this agenda item was to discuss programming <br />usage for this facility and asked that they discuss this. Commissioner Wahl felt it was <br />important to create the space first then it could be decided what programs would fit. She <br />stated that she would like for Century House renovation be for restoring it to its originality <br />and then the commission could look at what programs and events should be placed in it. <br />Chairperson Bowers felt a decision should be made to decide on the kind of events for the <br />facility and then make this a special event kind of place and could add another building on <br />the site. <br />Commissioner Deckert questioned if staff had been receiving calls for uses at this facility. <br />Ms. Murphy indicated no calls received recently, but previously had been for rentals and <br />camps, occasionally for weddings. <br />Commissioner Fields felt the parking issue should be addressed with neighbors. <br />Commissioner Deckert agreed that the parking situation was a big consideration. <br />Commissioner Hekl was unsure about the top choices for this facility as being indicated by <br />other commissioners. She felt a survey of the community should be done to gather <br />information. Commissioners Hekl and Wahl discussed at length the history factor of this <br />facility. Chairperson Bowers felt the exterior historical factor of the facility could be retained <br />but the inside should be changed to accommodate functionality for programming. He also <br />felt maximum use of the lot should be considered when considering what programs and <br />rental activity could take place. <br />Commissioner Wahl stated she felt strongly about being able to offer this facility for small <br />weddings and events. She wants programming that can be accommodated in the house as <br />it is now without any changes as there is a venue need for small weddings and small <br />classes. <br />Parks and Recreation Commission <br />August 8, 2019 <br />Page 7 <br />
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