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Driveways <br /> Modifications are proposed to the existing driveways as follows: <br /> • Driveway on W. Las Positas Boulevard. The existing 35-foot wide driveway on <br /> W. Las Positas Boulevard would be shifted 10 feet easterly, as recommended by <br /> staff, to provide a better alignment with the carwash exit. <br /> • The southernmost driveway on Hopyard Road in the front of the existing <br /> convenience store. This driveway would be removed. <br /> • The "middle"driveway on Hopyard Road near the existing fuel canopy. This <br /> existing 35-foot wide driveway would be shifted 15 feet south and be widened to <br /> 40 feet. It was initially proposed at 45 feet and staff recommended at the work <br /> session it be maintained at 35 feet wide. At the work session, the Commission <br /> indicated they may support a 40-foot wide driveway at this location if reasons <br /> are provided that it needs to be 40 feet wide at this location. <br /> Chris D. Kinzel of TJKM, the applicant's traffic consultant, wrote to staff, stating that <br /> for the proposed project, a wider driveway is helpful. The letter (Exhibit F) stated <br /> that "When negotiating the narrow driveway, motorists are exposed to vehicles from <br /> behind that may be surprised by the sudden slowing down by the turning vehicle. <br /> Wider driveways reduce this potential safety concerns." The existing driveways on <br /> Hopyard Road are 35 feet wide. They have been adequately facilitating vehicle <br /> in/egress to the project site for decades. The proposed project should maintain the <br /> existing driveway width instead of widening it. Staff finds wider driveways would <br /> result in longer/more substantial interruptions to the sidewalk and tend to <br /> encourage vehicles to approach the driveway at higher speeds, which can create <br /> more hazardous conditions for pedestrians, cyclists, and other vehicles crossing the <br /> driveway. The reduced driveway width to the existing 35 feet wide would also <br /> provide additional protection for vehicles pulling out of the loading space near to <br /> Hopyard Road. As such, staff continues to recommend a 35-foot-wide driveway at <br /> this location. A condition has been added to address this item. <br /> Traffic <br /> The proposed project would demolish the existing convenience store and auto service/smog <br /> check building and construct an 810-square-foot larger convenience store, a new drive-through <br /> carwash, and two additional fuel pumps. The proposed project could potentially generate <br /> additional vehicular trips to the site due to the additional fuel pumps, store area, and carwash. <br /> The Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Trip Generation Handbook provides trip <br /> generation rates for various uses. The City's Traffic Engineer has determined the most <br /> appropriate category for this use is one that would treat the fuel station as a primary use, with <br /> the convenience store and carwash as secondary or ancillary uses. (Treating and calculating <br /> trips based on each of these uses, calculated individually, would substantially overstate the <br /> number of total trips, because a large proportion of trips are associated with some combined <br /> use of the facilities). In addition, at least 50% of the trips are pass-by trips, meaning that <br /> drivers are visiting the gas station and/or convenience store en route to another destination. <br /> As such, per the 10th Edition of the ITE Handbook, the proposed project would be expected to <br /> add 50 trips to the AM and PM peak hours. <br /> PUD-134/P18-0332/P18-0334 Planning Commission <br /> Page 20 of 24 <br />ce Department receives. The nearest <br /> site address may be used to identify the location, which may not be the actual location of the reported incident. <br /> PUD-134/P18-0332/P18-0334 Planning Commission <br /> Page 16 of 24 <br />