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The City's Traffic Engineer has evaluated the traffic impacts due to the proposed project. The <br /> anticipated additional 50 trips in AM and PM peak hours would not change the existing AM or <br /> PM peak hour Level of Service (LOS) at the intersection of W. Las Positas Boulevard and <br /> Hopyard Road. Based on the Therefore, no project-specific traffic study or improvements to <br /> the City's existing circulation system were needed. However, the project applicant would be <br /> required to pay regional and local traffic fees to offset the increase in trips resulting from the <br /> proposed project. This will be a condition of approval of the project. <br /> Noise Assessment <br /> With respect to potential noise impacts generated by the proposed project, the City's Noise <br /> Ordinance (Chapter 9.04 of Pleasanton Municipal Code) does not allow any person to produce <br /> any noise or allow any noise to be produced by any machine, animal, device, or any <br /> combination of the same, on commercial property, in excess of 70 dBA at any point outside of <br /> the property plane. A Noise Assessment report was prepared by Illingworth & Rodkin, Inc. <br /> focusing on the proposed drive-through carwash component of the project. <br /> Noise sources associated with the operation of automated carwashes can include water pump <br /> and spray noise inside the building during the wash cycle and the blower/dryer noise during <br /> the drying cycle. Since the water pump and water spray noise would occur inside the wash <br /> tunnel, the main noise heard outside of the building would be produced by the blowers/dryers <br /> that are located near the northern exit of the carwash building. The proposed carwash would <br /> use an AeroDry Systems, LLC, "Excel" blower/dryer system. This dryer system would produce <br /> a noise level of 63 to 70 dBA at the nearest property line to the carwash exit (the western <br /> property line which is approximately 17 feet away) and would meet the Noise Ordinance. <br /> Two vacuum units would be installed at the fuel station. These units would be located to the <br /> east side of the carwash building, approximately 45 feet from the W. Las Positas Boulevard <br /> property line. The applicant has not specified the two vacuum units that would be installed as <br /> part of the project, but the Noise Assessment indicated that vacuum units that would meet the <br /> Municipal Code noise requirement of 70 dBA at the property plane are readily available. A <br /> condition will require the applicant install vacuum units that meet the City's noise requirements. <br /> Health Risk Assessment <br /> A Health Risk Assessment was prepared by Illingworth and Rodkin, Inc. (see Exhibit B) to <br /> evaluate the potential effects of airborne Toxic Air Contaminants (TACs) associated with <br /> construction and operation of the project. Project impacts related to increased health risk can <br /> occur by introducing a new source of TACs with the potential to adversely affect existing <br /> sensitive receptors in the project vicinity. The Bay Area Air Quality Management District <br /> (BAAQMD) considers a sensitive receptor any facility or land use where people live, play, or <br /> convalesce or that includes members of the public who are particularly sensitive to the effects <br /> of air pollutants, such as children and the elderly, and spend a significant amount of time there. <br /> Examples include residences, parks, schools/school playgrounds, daycare centers, nursing <br /> homes, etc. The nearest sensitive receptors are the residential uses in proximity to the project; <br /> the nearby church would not typically be considered a sensitive receptor, but due to concerns <br /> raised by the church, the report conservatively analyzes impacts to workers and visitors to the <br /> church. <br /> PUD-134/P18-0332/P18-0334 Planning Commission <br /> Page 21 of 24 <br />dent. <br /> PUD-134/P18-0332/P18-0334 Planning Commission <br /> Page 16 of 24 <br />