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Table 1: Proposed Site Development Standards <br /> Development Lots <br /> Standards Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 <br /> Front Yard Setback <br /> To Stanley Blvd. PL 18' to home, 13' to NA NA <br /> To back sidewalk porch 7' to home, 2' to porch NA <br /> To East PL NA 35' to home, 30' to porch 26' to home, 21' to porch <br /> NA <br /> Side Yard Setbacks 5' to the north, and 5' to 5' 5' to the south, 10' to the <br /> home and 2' to porch to north <br /> the eastern street side <br /> (measured from the <br /> back of sidewalk) <br /> Rear Yard Setback 10' to the garage, 15' to 10' to the garage, 15' to 10' to the garage, 15' to <br /> the home (1St and 2nd the home (1St and 2nd the home (1St and 2nd <br /> story) story) story) <br /> Floor Area Ratio (FAR) <br /> Net FAR 46% 58% 43% <br /> Gross FAR 30% 38% 43% <br /> Height Maximum' 27' 27' 3" 25' <br /> Parking Minimum Two garage spaces and Two garage spaces and Two garage spaces and <br /> two driveway spaces two driveway spaces two driveway spaces <br /> The Pleasanton Municipal Code does not address guest parking within single-family <br /> developments, but the City encourages, and often requires, on-site guest parking for <br /> single-family projects when there isn't on-street parking provided within the project, as is the <br /> case here. The applicant is proposing to include a 20-foot deep driveway on each lot in front of <br /> the proposed garages which would accommodate two additional parking stalls to be used by <br /> the residents or guests of each home. There is also street parking available on the north side <br /> of Stanley Boulevard directly in front of the site. Overall, staff finds that the development <br /> standards for the project would complement the surrounding residential neighborhood and <br /> consistent with other recently approved projects in the DSP area. In addition, the site layout <br /> has been designed to be functional, e.g. providing sufficient maneuvering space for vehicles, <br /> and accommodating sufficient room for landscaping and bioretention; and sensitive to adjacent <br /> residential properties. <br /> Architecture <br /> The DSP recommends the use of traditional materials, finishes, colors, and detailing as well as <br /> the following policy regarding specific allowable architectural styles within the Downtown: <br /> Policy No. 6: New residential building design, including the design of replacement <br /> buildings for buildings constructed before 1942 which are approved for demolition, should <br /> draw upon the primary exterior features of the Downtown's traditional design character in <br /> terms of materials, colors, details of construction, and setbacks and should utilize or be <br /> based on one of the following architectural styles found in Downtown dating from <br /> pre-1942: Gothic Revival, ltalianate, Victorian (Queen Anne, Stick, and Folk), Bay <br /> Tradition, Craftsman, Prairie, Mission Revival, Spanish Colonial Revival, Mediterranean <br /> Revival, Minimal Traditional, Vernacular Forms, and FHA Minimum House. <br /> ' Measured from finished grade to highest peak projection. <br /> PUD-133, 3987 Stanley Boulevard Planning Commission <br /> 6 of 12 <br />