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Development under the Plan would not create or contribute runoff water which would exceed the capacity <br /> of existing or planned stormwater drainage systems or provide substantial additional sources of polluted <br /> runoff.(Draft EIR,pp.3.8-30 to 3.8-32,Impact 3.8-4.) <br /> Development under the Plan would not otherwise substantially degrade water quality. (Draft EIR,pp. 3.8- <br /> 32 to 3.8-33,Impact 3.8-5.) <br /> Development under the Plan would not place housing within a 100-year flood hazard area as mapped on a <br /> federal Flood Hazard Boundary or Flood Insurance Rate Map or other flood hazard delineation map.(Draft <br /> EIR,pp.3.8-33,Impact 3.8-6.) <br /> Development under the Plan would not place within a 100-year flood hazard area structures which would <br /> impede or redirect flood flows.(Draft EIR,pp.3.8-33,Impact 3.8-7.) <br /> Development under the Plan would not expose people or structures to a significant risk of loss, injury,or <br /> death involving flooding,including flooding as a result of the failure of a levee or dam.(Draft EIR,pp.3.8- <br /> 34 to 3.8-35,Impact 3.8-8.) <br /> Development under the Plan would not result in inundation by seiche, tsunami,or mudflow. (Draft EIR, <br /> pp.3.8-35,Impact 3.8-9.) <br /> 9. Land Use,Population,and Housing <br /> Implementation of the Plan would not physically divide an established community. (Draft EIR,pp. 3.9-18 <br /> to 3.9-19,Impact 3.9-1.) <br /> Implementation of the Plan would not conflict with any applicable land use plan,policy, or regulation of <br /> an agency with jurisdiction over the project (including,but not limited to the general plan, specific plan, <br /> local coastal program, or zoning ordinance) adopted for the purpose of avoiding or mitigating an <br /> environmental effect. (Draft EIR,pp.3.9-19 to 3.9-21,Impact 3.9-2.) <br /> Implementation of the Plan would not conflict with any applicable habitat conservation plan or natural <br /> community conservation plan. (Draft EIR,pp. 3.9-21,Impact 3.9-3.) <br /> Implementation of the Plan would not induce substantial population growth in an area,either directly(for <br /> example,by proposing new homes and businesses) or indirectly(for example,through extension of roads <br /> or other infrastructure).(Draft EIR,pp. 3.9-21 to 3.9-23,Impact 3.9-4.) <br /> Implementation of the Plan would not displace substantial numbers of existing housing or people, <br /> necessitating the construction of replacement housing elsewhere. (Draft EIR,pp. 3.9-23 to 3.9-24,Impact <br /> 3.9-5.) <br /> 10. Noise <br /> Implementation of the Plan would not expose persons to or generate noise levels in excess of the noise <br /> standards established in the proposed General Plan Noise Element or applicable standards of other agencies. <br /> (Draft EIR,pp. 3.10-19 to 3.10-27,Impact 3.10-1.) <br /> Implementation of the Plan would not expose people to or generate excessive groundborne vibration or <br /> groundborne noise levels. (Draft EIR,pp. 3.10-27 to 3.10-30,Impact 3.10-2.) <br /> 9 <br />production rate of pre-existing nearby wells would drop to a level <br /> which would not support existing land uses or planned uses for which permits have been granted). (Draft <br /> EIR,pp.3.8-27 to 3.8-28,Impact 3.8-2.) <br /> Development under the Plan would not substantially alter the existing drainage pattern of the planning <br /> area,including through the alteration of the course of a stream or river,in a manner which would result in <br /> substantial erosion,siltation,or flooding on-or off-site.(Draft EIR,pp. 3.8-28 to 3.8-30,Impact 3.8-3.) <br /> 8 <br />s a program-level analysis of the environmental impacts of the Plan and supports all levels <br /> of approval necessary to implement the Plan. <br /> F. Certification of the Draft and Final EIR <br /> In accordance with CEQA Guidelines section 15090(a)(1), the City Council, as lead agency, finds and <br /> certifies that the Draft and Final EIR have been completed in compliance with CEQA and the CEQA <br /> 4 <br />d to comply with <br /> 1 <br />e use shall be at least 300 feet from an R or 0 district. <br /> Distributed at the May 28,2019, Downtown Specific Plan Update Task Force Meeting and the June 26,2019 Planning Commission Meeting <br /> Provided for Reference 54 <br />