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preferred traffic route for pickup and drop-off. One concern he expressed is regarding vehicles <br /> making U-turns, in terms of entering from Sauterne Way and exiting from Touriga Drive, and <br /> that this should be avoided for safety, but he did not believe the Commission had much <br /> freedom to change these public mandates which are imposed by the State. <br /> Commissioner Ritter echoed Commissioner Brown's comments. He thinks the need for <br /> childcare in the community is very much needed and he could not find anything that would <br /> make him want to overturn the Zoning Administrator's ruling. <br /> Commissioner O'Connor agreed and said he did not see that the Commission had any <br /> justification to overturn the Zoning Administrator's approval. <br /> Commissioner Balch concurred. He expressed concern over the traffic control itself because of <br /> prior traffic mitigation but he was not sure the neighborhood would want to overturn that for this <br /> action. He was equally pleased that staff has conditioned the parking for new parents by way <br /> of a preferred traffic route as guidance, and the requirement for the full-time assistant and two <br /> vehicles in the driveway for parents. He was pleased to know the street could handle more <br /> vehicles and said due to this, he couldn't make the finding that traffic was an issue. <br /> Chair Allen expressed agreement with the other Commissioners. She also supported the idea <br /> of a recommended route entering Sauterne Way and exiting on Touriga Drive, which is the <br /> route she took when viewing the area. The benefit of this is that vehicles are going west and if <br /> they don't enter the driveway, they are on the right side of the street to drop off children, as <br /> opposed to entering on Chardonnay Drive, where they could potentially park across the street <br /> resulting in the children having to cross the street, posing a greater danger. She said she tried <br /> to find issues with this application, to see if there was a reason to overturn it, but she couldn't <br /> and feels it is valid according to State law. <br /> Commissioner O'Connor moved to deny the appeal and uphold the Zoning <br /> Administrator's approval with the added condition that the daycare operator provides <br /> parents a preferred recommended route to and from the daycare home, thereby <br /> recommending approval of Case P18-0314. <br /> Commissioner Ritter seconded the motion. <br /> ROLL CALL VOTE: <br /> AYES: Commissioners Allen, Balch, Brown, O'Connor, Ritter <br /> NOES: None <br /> ABSENT: None <br /> Resolution PC-2019-06 recommending approval of Case P18-0314 was adopted, as motioned. <br /> BREAK <br /> Chair Allen called for a brief recess at 8:30 p.m., and thereafter reconvened the meeting at <br /> 8:35 p.m. <br /> Planning Commission Minutes Page 11 of 18 March 13, 2019 <br />te law and the <br /> Municipal Code in regard to compliance, in order to make any recommendations considered <br /> fair and just. <br /> Commissioner Brown continued by saying when he reads the State code, the degrees of <br /> freedom relate to space, concentration, traffic, parking and noise control. He did not hear much <br /> discussion around noise control. The Commission received guidance in terms of street parking <br /> on a public street and set within the conditions is a requirement to utilize the garage. He said <br /> he likes the suggestion of establishing guidelines when on-boarding new parents around the <br /> Planning Commission Minutes Page 10 of 18 March 13, 2019 <br />as a nine-year-old child in the program and Ms. Arango helped him <br /> speak English. She has learned it is very important for kids to become bilingual and spoke <br /> highly of the daycare and of Ms. Arango and asked for the Commission's approval. <br /> Planning Commission Minutes Page 7 of 18 March 13, 2019 <br />mmunity. She follows all rules and instructs the <br /> Planning Commission Minutes Page 6 of 18 March 13, 2019 <br />