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Mr. Tassano said staff likes to know who puts counters out because they receive calls about <br /> installing stop signs and it makes it easier when staff knows someone set out a traffic counter; <br /> however, it is illegal to place a counter in the roadway without permission. <br /> Mr. Beaudin stated the City requires an encroachment permit and there's a process to follow. <br /> When the individual called and inquired if the traffic counter was a problem, they were advised <br /> of the encroachment permit process, after which time, the equipment was soon removed. <br /> Chair Allen referred to the issue previously raised about the worst-case potential that the traffic <br /> analysis done regarding the number of trips on the street has possibly doubled. She <br /> commented if a vehicle enters one way, backs out from the driveway, and exits the same <br /> direction they entered, as opposed to exiting the opposite end of the street, if in this situation <br /> the traffic estimates were doubled and whether that would change any recommendations. <br /> Mr. Tassano responded that was not the case and that the roadways are built to handle a lot of <br /> traffic each day. From his perspective, looking at 100+ vehicles on one street per day does not <br /> seem like much, but he nonetheless recognized that the residents living on that street may feel <br /> it to be significant. From his perspective, staff would want to look at access if the traffic <br /> increased three to four times that amount. <br /> Commissioner O'Connor inquired whether there was a way to make a note within the <br /> conditions to request the daycare operator to inform parents of a better route to access the <br /> daycare to help increase their awareness of other options. <br /> Mr. Beaudin responded in favor of this, saying staff can add a condition that encourages <br /> parents to use best and most efficient traffic flow during pickup and drop-off. <br /> Commissioner Ritter said he's under the assumption the lease states that it's permissible to <br /> operate the daycare out of the home, and he inquired if the space inside the home was <br /> designed similarly to the other 17 large daycares. <br /> Mr. Beaudin noted the State is responsible for mandating this and it's set forth through their <br /> inspection process. <br /> Commissioner Brown thanked the speakers for their comments. He said the Planning <br /> Commission's role is to check compliance of staff's recommendations around the Municipal <br /> Code and to ensure the recommendation given to the Council confirms the application is in <br /> compliance with State law and that residents are not doing anything to put the City in legal <br /> jeopardy. He said he understands the neighbors' concerns; however, the Commission's role is <br /> specific and meant to look at the application, as it stands, and as it relates to State law and the <br /> Municipal Code in regard to compliance, in order to make any recommendations considered <br /> fair and just. <br /> Commissioner Brown continued by saying when he reads the State code, the degrees of <br /> freedom relate to space, concentration, traffic, parking and noise control. He did not hear much <br /> discussion around noise control. The Commission received guidance in terms of street parking <br /> on a public street and set within the conditions is a requirement to utilize the garage. He said <br /> he likes the suggestion of establishing guidelines when on-boarding new parents around the <br /> Planning Commission Minutes Page 10 of 18 March 13, 2019 <br />as a nine-year-old child in the program and Ms. Arango helped him <br /> speak English. She has learned it is very important for kids to become bilingual and spoke <br /> highly of the daycare and of Ms. Arango and asked for the Commission's approval. <br /> Planning Commission Minutes Page 7 of 18 March 13, 2019 <br />mmunity. She follows all rules and instructs the <br /> Planning Commission Minutes Page 6 of 18 March 13, 2019 <br />