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• The building designs provide significant articulation and variation of building heights, <br /> volumes, and massing. <br /> • The buildings are designed with detailing on all sides, and with design details and <br /> elements that create pedestrian interest. <br /> Colors and materials for the project are depicted on the color renderings and material palette <br /> included in Exhibit B. Since individual tenants have not been established for the development, <br /> the applicant has requested that adjustments to the overall site layout and elevations be <br /> permitted to meet individual tenant needs subject to the review and approval of the Community <br /> Development Director, provided such changes are determined to be consistent with overall <br /> colors, materials, and design palette as presented to the Planning Commission. In addition, the <br /> applicant has provided general guidelines that future storefront improvements would need to <br /> follow that are included in Exhibit F and referenced in Condition 8. <br /> Overall, staff finds the colors and materials to be acceptable. In addition, as conditioned, all <br /> heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) equipment will be located within the buildings' <br /> roof-equipment wells. <br /> Landscape Design <br /> An arborist report was prepared for the proposed project which specifies the species, size, <br /> health, and value of the existing trees on the site that exceed six inches in diameter. The <br /> arborist report (included in Exhibit B) indicates there are a total of 159 trees on-site. Of the <br /> 159 trees on-site, 43 trees qualify as heritage trees. Based on the project proposal, the <br /> applicant is requesting to remove a total of 137 trees (41 heritage trees) mostly planted <br /> between 1989 and 1995 with the Nordstrom and Sears additions. The majority of the trees will <br /> be removed to accommodate demolition of the existing site and new site improvements. <br /> The landscaping plans provided as part of Exhibit B include a preliminary planting plan that <br /> incorporates both evergreen and deciduous tree species. Various types of shrubs and <br /> groundcover are located within bioretention areas and parking lot planter islands. Substantial <br /> landscape areas are also provided along Stoneridge Mall Road as well as within the interior <br /> courtyard areas, creating a center plaza area between the retail and grocery/cinema buildings. <br /> As conditioned, the proposed plan would incorporate plant species with low watering <br /> requirements that would complement the streetscape and proposed buildings. The proposed <br /> project's landscape treatments would also be designed to require relatively low maintenance <br /> and comply with the State of California's Model Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance. A <br /> condition has been included that requires the landscaping along Stoneridge Mall Road and the <br /> entry drives to be clearly identified on the permit plans, and that it be consistent in overall <br /> appearance and spacing with nearby areas. <br /> Overall, staff believes that the proposed plant species, quantities, and sizes are adequate and <br /> appropriate. <br /> Traffic and Off-/On-Site Circulation <br /> Program 1.1 and Program 2.7, respectively, of the Circulation Element of the 2005 — 2025 <br /> Pleasanton General Plan state: <br /> • Program 1 .1: "Require new developments to pay their fair share of planned <br /> roadway improvement costs." <br /> P18-0340, Stoneridge Shopping Center Planning Commission <br /> 12 of 17 <br />erim, the <br /> applicant will leave the existing Stoneridge Mall Road street section as-is and create an interim <br /> 20-foot landscape area between the existing curb and the new sidewalk as shown in Figure 5. <br /> The applicant will be required to dedicate the land or provide public easements over the land in <br /> the future, when the additional Stoneridge Mall Road improvements move forward. The new <br /> pedestrian sidewalk and planter strip along the inner part of Stoneridge Mall Road would serve <br /> as the protype for all future development within the inner loop of the Mall creating greater <br /> P18-0340, Stoneridge Shopping Center Planning Commission <br /> 8 of 17 <br />