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PLANNING DIVISION — 925-931-5600 <br /> 4. DELIVERY ROUTES: All inbound delivery routes shall occur via 1-680 and Sunol Boulevard <br /> northbound while all outbound delivery routes shall occur via Sunol Boulevard southbound and <br /> 1-680. (project specific condition) <br /> 5. NOISE: The applicant shall: <br /> a. Keep all exterior doors of the building closed when not being used for ingress/egress <br /> purposes and/or delivery truck loading/unloading purposes. <br /> b. All delivery trucks shall be parked with their engines turned off. <br /> c. Delivery truck idling shall be permitted for a maximum of five minutes maximum. <br /> d. Delivery truck reverse beeping sounds shall not be permitted between the hours of <br /> 6:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m. <br /> e. No trash shall be dumped outside of the enclosed building area between the hours of <br /> 10:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. (project specific condition) <br /> 6. MAINTENANCE: The applicant shall maintain the subject property or if applicable, the area <br /> surrounding the tenant space, in a clean and orderly manner at all times. <br /> 7. MODIFICATIONS: If additional hours of operation or activities beyond what is stated in the <br /> "Approved Plans" are desired, prior City review and approval is required. The Director of <br /> Community Development may approve the modification or refer the matter to the Planning <br /> Commission if judged to be substantial. <br /> 8. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REVIEW: If the operation of this use results in conflicts pertaining <br /> to parking, noise, traffic/circulation, or other factors, at the discretion of the Director of <br /> Community Development, this conditional use permit may be submitted to the Planning <br /> Commission for their subsequent review at a public hearing. If necessary, the Planning <br /> Commission may modify or add conditions of approval to mitigate such impacts, or may revoke <br /> said conditional use permit. <br /> 9. OUTDOOR STORAGE: There is to be no outdoor storage without prior approval by the City. <br /> 10. SIGNAGE: This approval does not include approval of any signage. If signs are desired, the <br /> applicant shall submit a sign proposal to the Planning Division for review and approval prior to <br /> sign installation. <br /> 11. EXTERIOR CHANGES: Changes to the exterior of the building shall not be made without prior <br /> approval from the Planning Division. <br /> 12. RELOCATION: If the applicant wishes to relocate the use to a new address or tenant suite, the <br /> applicant shall secure a new conditional use permit prior to occupying the new building or tenant <br /> space. <br /> 13. IMPACT FEES: The applicant shall pay the required sewer fees, traffic impact fees, and all <br /> other fees the proposed use may be subject to prior to building permit issuance. The type and <br /> amount of the fees shall be those in effect at the time the building permit is issued. <br /> 14. BUILDING PERMIT: Any tenant improvement plans shall be submitted to the Building and <br /> Safety Division for review and approval prior to operation. The applicant shall obtain a building <br /> permit prior to commencement of any work. <br /> P18-0225 Planning Commission <br /> Page 2 of 3 <br /> including without limitation, reimbursing the City its attorneys' fees and costs incurred in <br /> defense of the litigation. The City may, in its sole discretion, elect to defend any such action with <br /> attorneys of its choice. <br />hours (with the exception of delivery truck <br /> loading/unloading activities). According to the applicant, all delivery trucks would be parked <br /> with their engines turned off, no idling would be permitted and no reverse beeping sounds <br /> would be permitted between the hours of 6:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m. Furthermore, the subject <br /> building does not contain any operable windows, which will further reduce potential noise <br /> impacts on the surrounding area. To further minimize any potential noise impacts, staff is <br /> recommending the following conditions of approval: <br /> • All exterior doors must remain closed at all times during operating hours except during <br /> delivery truck loading/unloading activities; <br /> P18-0225, 5675 Sunol Boulevard Planning Commission <br /> 6 of 8 <br />amp. team competitions during the camp. <br />in and Greek their own insightful interpretations of a text effective rhetoric.The class is structured <br /> stems. This course will expand on fifth grade and convey their ideas clearly and elegantly in around three writing projects:an exploratory <br /> reading and writing objectives for written writing.Lessons guide students through essay,an evaluation of academic ideas,and <br /> communication,oral communication, increasingly sophisticated selections from a a research paper.Additionally,students will <br /> literature,and syntax. variety of fiction and non-fiction sources. review grammar concepts in greater depth <br /> Along the way,students practice emulating and study challenging vocabulary words and <br /> the authors they are reading,and work closely roots. <br /> with their teachers to learn the craft of literary <br /> analysis. <br /> with a study of <br /> calculus. inequalities. <br />