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EXHIBIT A <br /> DRAFT CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL <br /> P18-0225 <br /> 5675 Sunol Boulevard <br /> April 24, 2019 <br /> The applicant is hereby notified, as part of this approval, that (s)he is required to satisfy and maintain <br /> compliance with the conditions of approval below. Where approval by the Director of Community <br /> Development, Planning Division, Director of Engineering/City Engineer, City Attorney, Chief Building <br /> and Safety Official, Fire Department or other City staff is required, review shall be for compliance with <br /> all applicable conditions of approval, adopted policies and guidelines, ordinances, laws and regulations, <br /> and accepted practices related to the approval. In addition to complying with the conditions below, the <br /> applicant is required to comply with all applicable federal, state, and local laws that pertain to this <br /> project whether or not specifically noted herein. <br /> This approval is granted for Conditional Use Permit approval to operate a food-service warehouse and <br /> distribution facility within an existing building located on Assessor Parcel No. 947-0004-003-04 at 5675 <br /> Sunol Boulevard. Development shall be substantially as shown on the project materials listed below: <br /> a. Narrative and Project plans, Exhibit B. prepared by Kier and Wright for Westcore Properties, <br /> dated "Received" on March 8, 2019, and kept on file in the Planning Division of the Community <br /> Development Department. <br /> The project materials listed above are collectively the "Approved Plans." <br /> THIS APPROVAL IS GRANTED SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: <br /> 1. APPROVAL AND REVISIONS: The proposed use shall be in substantial conformance with the <br /> "Approved Plans," except as modified by the following conditions. Minor changes to the plans <br /> may be allowed subject to the approval of the Director of Community Development if found to be <br /> in substantial conformance with the approved exhibits. <br /> 2. EXPIRATION — CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT: This Conditional Use Permit (CUP) approval will <br /> lapse and shall become void 1 year following the date on which the CUP became effective, <br /> unless prior to the expiration of 1 year a building permit is issued and construction is <br /> commenced and diligently pursued toward completion on the site which was the subject of the <br /> CUP application; or a certificate of occupancy is issued for the structure which was the subject <br /> of the CUP application; or the site is occupied if no building permit or certificate of occupancy is <br /> required; or the applicant or his/her successor has filed a request for extension with the Zoning <br /> Administrator pursuant to the provisions of the Pleasanton Municipal Code. <br /> 3. LIABILITY AND INDEMNIFICATION: To the extent permitted by law, the project applicant shall <br /> hold harmless, defend (with counsel acceptable to the City), and indemnify the City, its City <br /> Council, its officers, commissions, employee and agents from and against any claim, action, or <br /> proceeding brought by a third party against the indemnified parties and/or the applicant to <br /> attack, set aside. or void the approval of the project or any permit authorized hereby for the <br /> project, including without limitation, reimbursing the City its attorneys' fees and costs incurred in <br /> defense of the litigation. The City may, in its sole discretion, elect to defend any such action with <br /> attorneys of its choice. <br />hours (with the exception of delivery truck <br /> loading/unloading activities). According to the applicant, all delivery trucks would be parked <br /> with their engines turned off, no idling would be permitted and no reverse beeping sounds <br /> would be permitted between the hours of 6:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m. Furthermore, the subject <br /> building does not contain any operable windows, which will further reduce potential noise <br /> impacts on the surrounding area. To further minimize any potential noise impacts, staff is <br /> recommending the following conditions of approval: <br /> • All exterior doors must remain closed at all times during operating hours except during <br /> delivery truck loading/unloading activities; <br /> P18-0225, 5675 Sunol Boulevard Planning Commission <br /> 6 of 8 <br />amp. team competitions during the camp. <br />in and Greek their own insightful interpretations of a text effective rhetoric.The class is structured <br /> stems. This course will expand on fifth grade and convey their ideas clearly and elegantly in around three writing projects:an exploratory <br /> reading and writing objectives for written writing.Lessons guide students through essay,an evaluation of academic ideas,and <br /> communication,oral communication, increasingly sophisticated selections from a a research paper.Additionally,students will <br /> literature,and syntax. variety of fiction and non-fiction sources. review grammar concepts in greater depth <br /> Along the way,students practice emulating and study challenging vocabulary words and <br /> the authors they are reading,and work closely roots. <br /> with their teachers to learn the craft of literary <br /> analysis. <br /> with a study of <br /> calculus. inequalities. <br />