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One of the primary concerns in reviewing a CUP application is the effect of a proposed use on <br /> surrounding uses. Currently, there are no other uses on-site. However, surrounding uses <br /> include industrial and office uses to the north and east across Sunol Boulevard, cemeteries to <br /> the east across Sunol Boulevard, office/research and development uses to the south, and <br /> single-family residential uses approximately 100 feet to the west. The industrial, office/research <br /> and development uses generally operate Monday through Friday during normal business <br /> hours (anywhere from 8:00 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.). The proposed warehouse and distribution <br /> facility would be compatible with these existing businesses in that the majority of their workers, <br /> with the exception of the office workers, and associated delivery trips arrive/occur outside of <br /> normal business hours. Moreover, the activities for the proposed warehouse and distribution <br /> facility are typical to those expected on an industrially zoned parcel and would complement the <br /> surrounding industrial uses. With regard to the nearby residential uses, the subject parcel is <br /> separated from the residential uses by the ACTC, which is substantially raised (approximately <br /> 12 to 15 feet on the residential side), providing both a visual buffer and noise barrier between <br /> the proposed warehouse and distribution facility and the residential uses. Additionally, both the <br /> ACTC and the subject parcel have dense vegetation which further provides visual screening of <br /> the proposed warehouse and distribution facility from the nearby residential uses. Staff notes <br /> that similar uses occupied the subject location with an approved CUP (UP-82-13) from <br /> approximately 1982 until 2017 and staff is not aware of any reported issues related to these <br /> uses. Therefore, if the CUP were granted, staff believes the use would be compatible with the <br /> surrounding uses. <br /> Should future problems arise with the proposed use, the City would have the ability to bring the <br /> application back to the Planning Commission for mitigation, or possible permit revocation, if <br /> necessary. Based on the discussion above, staff believes that such an action would be <br /> unlikely. In addition, staff has included conditions of approval that will ensure the proposed use <br /> would not generate noise, traffic, or parking shortages such that surrounding uses would be <br /> adversely affected. Therefore, from a land use perspective, staff finds the proposed use to be <br /> acceptable on the site, as conditioned. <br /> Traffic and Circulation <br /> The Traffic Engineering Division has reviewed the project narrative and plan that was prepared <br /> for the proposed warehouse and distribution facility and has determined that the proposed <br /> hours of operation, planned activities and the associated number of employees would not have <br /> a significant impact on existing traffic levels. Additionally, the activities for the proposed <br /> warehouse and distribution facility would be similar to the previous uses that occupied the <br /> subject site and generally not coincide with the AM/PM peak hour traffic levels for the other <br /> uses in the surrounding area. However, should the applicant wish to significantly increase the <br /> proposed delivery or employee numbers and/or alter the hours stated in its narrative, review by <br /> the City's Traffic Engineer would be required to assess whether a traffic study would be <br /> required and whether payment of traffic fees and implementation of other mitigation measures <br /> would be warranted. <br /> Parking <br /> As described above, the proposed warehouse and distribution facility would have exclusive <br /> access to 148 on-site parking spaces including 112 standard-sized spaces, <br /> 33 tractor-trailer-sized spaces, two accessible spaces and one grade-level loading space. <br /> P18-0225, 5675 Sunol Boulevard Planning Commission <br /> 5 of 8 <br />e topics.In addition,students <br /> will also participate in mock individual and will also participate in mock individual and <br /> team competitions during the camp. team competitions during the camp. <br />in and Greek their own insightful interpretations of a text effective rhetoric.The class is structured <br /> stems. This course will expand on fifth grade and convey their ideas clearly and elegantly in around three writing projects:an exploratory <br /> reading and writing objectives for written writing.Lessons guide students through essay,an evaluation of academic ideas,and <br /> communication,oral communication, increasingly sophisticated selections from a a research paper.Additionally,students will <br /> literature,and syntax. variety of fiction and non-fiction sources. review grammar concepts in greater depth <br /> Along the way,students practice emulating and study challenging vocabulary words and <br /> the authors they are reading,and work closely roots. <br /> with their teachers to learn the craft of literary <br /> analysis. <br /> with a study of <br /> calculus. inequalities. <br />