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Pursuant to Section 18.88.030 (D)(1) of the Pleasanton Municipal Code (PMC), Schedule of <br /> off-street parking space requirements, warehouse and distribution facilities require one space <br /> for each employee on the maximum shift or one space for each 300 square feet of gross floor <br /> area. Since the majority of the proposed warehouse and distribution facility would be used for <br /> inventory storage and given the relatively low number of employees proposed on-site at any <br /> given time, staff believes the parking should be analyzed based on the one space for each <br /> employee on the maximum shift standard. Based on Figure 2, the maximum number of <br /> employees on-site at any given time would be 80 persons including 30 truck drivers, 30 <br /> warehouse workers and 20 office workers. Assuming each employee drives their own vehicle <br /> to the subject parcel, a total of 80 standard-sized parking spaces would be required. As <br /> described, the applicant would have exclusive access to 112 standard-sized spaces. <br /> Accordingly, at any given time, there would be a minimum surplus of 32 available <br /> standard-sized spaces. Based on this analysis and the anticipated parking surplus, staff <br /> believes there would be adequate parking available on-site for the proposed warehouse and <br /> distribution facility. Furthermore, the proposed warehouse and distribution facility would have <br /> exclusive access to 33 tractor-trailer-sized spaces and one grade level loading space. The <br /> proposal includes the use and on-site storage of 30, 16-foot-long, light-duty box trailer trucks <br /> for deliveries. Based on this, adequate box trailer truck parking exists on-site. Additionally, the <br /> proposed warehouse and distribution facility anticipates a maximum of five daily deliveries <br /> from 53-foot-long, tractor trailer trucks. These vehicles would not park or be stored on-site <br /> overnight and in most instances would be on-site when the box trailer trucks are off-site <br /> making deliveries. Accordingly, staff does not anticipate any parking issues associated from <br /> these vehicles. <br /> Based on the above parking analysis and recommended conditions of approval, staff believes <br /> that the proposed warehouse and distribution facility would not adversely affect parking supply <br /> on the subject parcel or surrounding properties and that adequate parking exists on-site to <br /> accommodate the proposed use. However, should parking problems occur, staff has included <br /> a condition of approval which allows the Director of Community Development to refer the use <br /> permit back to the Planning Commission for possible additional mitigation measures to be <br /> applied (Exhibit A). <br /> Noise <br /> The PMC states that a proposed conditional use must be in accordance with the objectives of <br /> the Zoning Ordinance. One of those objectives is to "promote the stability of existing land uses <br /> that conform with the General Plan and to protect them from inharmonious influences and <br /> harmful intrusions." For the most part, staff anticipates that the proposed warehouse and <br /> distribution facility would generate interior noise levels comparable to and no different from <br /> those of a typical office or light industrial use. All planned activities would be held indoors, with <br /> the exterior doors closed during operating hours (with the exception of delivery truck <br /> loading/unloading activities). According to the applicant, all delivery trucks would be parked <br /> with their engines turned off, no idling would be permitted and no reverse beeping sounds <br /> would be permitted between the hours of 6:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m. Furthermore, the subject <br /> building does not contain any operable windows, which will further reduce potential noise <br /> impacts on the surrounding area. To further minimize any potential noise impacts, staff is <br /> recommending the following conditions of approval: <br /> • All exterior doors must remain closed at all times during operating hours except during <br /> delivery truck loading/unloading activities; <br /> P18-0225, 5675 Sunol Boulevard Planning Commission <br /> 6 of 8 <br />amp. team competitions during the camp. <br />in and Greek their own insightful interpretations of a text effective rhetoric.The class is structured <br /> stems. This course will expand on fifth grade and convey their ideas clearly and elegantly in around three writing projects:an exploratory <br /> reading and writing objectives for written writing.Lessons guide students through essay,an evaluation of academic ideas,and <br /> communication,oral communication, increasingly sophisticated selections from a a research paper.Additionally,students will <br /> literature,and syntax. variety of fiction and non-fiction sources. review grammar concepts in greater depth <br /> Along the way,students practice emulating and study challenging vocabulary words and <br /> the authors they are reading,and work closely roots. <br /> with their teachers to learn the craft of literary <br /> analysis. <br /> with a study of <br /> calculus. inequalities. <br />