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Lester Family, apart from the 12.6 -acre property which is owned by the Shriners Hospitals for <br />Children (hereafter referred to as the "Shriners property3"). <br />The project site has frontage on Dublin Canyon Road at its northeast and northwest ends, with <br />an intervening property owned by the Jehovah's Witness Church and containing a religious <br />facility occupying the remaining frontage. The topography of the project site is hilly, with a main <br />ridge rising from the northeast corner. The southern portion of the project site slopes down into <br />Devaney Canyon, a heavily vegetated corridor which contains Devaney Creek, running in a <br />southwest to northeast direction of the project site. Another heavily treed canyon branches off <br />Devaney Canyon at the western portion of the project site. <br />The most prevalent habitat on the site is California annual grassland that is used as rangeland <br />for cattle grazing, but some seasonal wetlands occur in the northern portion of the site and <br />riparian habitat associated with Devaney Canyon Creek and its unnamed tributary also occur <br />in the southern half of the site. <br />Surrounding Area <br />The project site is bordered on the north, across Dublin Canyon Road, by single-family homes <br />within the Canyon Creek subdivision, Canyon Meadows Condominiums, and single-family <br />homes on large parcels. The Preserve, Oak Hill Estates, and Kolb Ranch Estates single-family <br />home developments are located to the east and southeast. EBRPD's Pleasanton Ridge <br />Regional Park is located to the south and agricultural and grazing lands on very large lots and <br />a single-family home are located to the west. <br />Fiaure 1: Location Ma <br />The Shriners' parcel has the same address as the parcel immediately west of its property, 10807 Dublin Canyon <br />Road. The parcel west of the Shriners property, owned by the DiCandia family, is not associated with the <br />development application. The properties are not within City limits-, therefore, the City does not have the authority <br />to change the address of the Shriners property. The Alameda County Assessor's Office and Alameda County staff <br />have been notified of the discrepancy. <br />P18-0078/P18-0079/P18-0080/P18-0081/PUD-130 Planning Commission <br />10807, 11021, and 11033 Dublin Canyon Road and the parcel west of 11021 Dublin Canyon Road <br />5 of 26 <br />Canyon <br />Canyon <br />Urban Growth Boundary ---a ,),,,,Creek <br />Meadows <br />Shriners Property `� ' 1 a <br />a <br />Kolb Ranch <br />i APN;941-270c 1 ? ,, ; , <br />Estates <br />r o _ APN:941-2500-2 <br />_ <br />_APN:9412500-3 <br />r <br />The Preserve <br />Oak Hills Estates <br />City Limit Line ---->: <br />a <br />The Shriners' parcel has the same address as the parcel immediately west of its property, 10807 Dublin Canyon <br />Road. The parcel west of the Shriners property, owned by the DiCandia family, is not associated with the <br />development application. The properties are not within City limits-, therefore, the City does not have the authority <br />to change the address of the Shriners property. The Alameda County Assessor's Office and Alameda County staff <br />have been notified of the discrepancy. <br />P18-0078/P18-0079/P18-0080/P18-0081/PUD-130 Planning Commission <br />10807, 11021, and 11033 Dublin Canyon Road and the parcel west of 11021 Dublin Canyon Road <br />5 of 26 <br />