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parcel. Staff reviewed the development plan for the project and identified preliminary concerns, <br />such as grading and conformity to the City's hillside development policies. In its comments, <br />staff did not agree with Ponderosa's argument that development on the Shriners' parcel would <br />be exempt from Measure PP. <br />Staff communicated the preliminary concerns to Ponderosa; also informing the applicant the <br />City was, at the time, formally reviewing the Lund Ranch residential hillside development <br />project which would require the City Council to make interpretations regarding the application <br />of Measure PP and define key terms that were not defined in the Measure (i.e., `structure', <br />`ridgeline' and 'slope'). Ponderosa was advised that the outcome of the interpretations would <br />likely apply to their hillside project. Staff also indicated that Ponderosa's entire project site <br />would likely be subject to Measure PP, even though one of the existing lots (the Shriners' <br />property) would contain 10 or fewer housing units and encouraged the applicant to employ the <br />methodology being used for Lunch Ranch and redesign the project to avoid or substantially <br />minimize all road and building construction on slopes of 25 percent or greater. <br />After City Council approved the Lund Ranch project in 2016, Ponderosa further modified their <br />proposed development by reducing the unit count from 39 to 37 units and slightly reconfigured <br />the layout. Preliminary plans for the redesigned project were submitted in May 2016. However, <br />staff still had substantial concerns with the revised project, including its conformance to the <br />City's hillside development regulations and policies. In addition, Ponderosa's slope mapping <br />for this revised project differed from the methodology adopted by City Council. Staff's 2015 and <br />2016 preliminary review comment letters to Ponderosa are included as Exhibit E. <br />As outlined in the 2017/2018 priority work plan, City Council directed staff to work with the <br />applicant and the EBRPD to facilitate consideration of a residential subdivision on the project <br />site consistent with Measure PP restrictions and include dedication of land to the EBRPD and <br />a new staging area for improved public access to the Pleasanton Ridge. As a "Priority B" effort, <br />the work plan also stipulated the City would not assign planning resources to this effort until <br />calendar year 2018. <br />Given the impending development application, staff maintained a dialogue with Ponderosa <br />after the adoption of the work plan and continued encouraging a residential project where <br />grading and development would avoid areas where the slope is 25 percent or more. In March <br />2018, Ponderosa submitted a further refined application, which is the subject of this Work <br />Session, and described in more detail below. <br />SITE AND AREA DESCRIPTION <br />Project Site <br />The project site is located on the south side of Dublin Canyon Road and comprises four <br />existing unincorporated parcels ranging in size from 0.9 to approximately 105 acres in size <br />(see Figures 1 and 2 for project location). A 66.01 -acre portion of the property west of <br />11021 Dublin Canyon Road is located outside of the City's urban growth boundary (UGB) line. <br />Two of the properties (the 0.9 -acre easternmost parcel at 11033 Dublin Canyon Road; and an <br />adjacent 15 -acre parcel at 11021 Dublin Canyon Road) each include an existing home and <br />miscellaneous accessory structures. The remaining parcels to the west, which are <br />undeveloped grazing land, are 100 acres and 12.6 acres. All properties are owned by the <br />P18-0078/P18-0079IP18-00801P18-0081/PUD-130 Planning Commission <br />10807, 11021, and 11033 Dublin Canyon Road and the parcel west of 11021 Dublin Canyon Road <br />4 of 26 <br />