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desire to have sidewalks installed (please refer to the public comment section of this report <br />and Exhibit 1). <br />The City's Traffic Engineering Division has worked with the applicant to determine the scope of <br />needed traffic improvements, which do not include the installation of a sidewalk and related <br />improvements, and it appears, at this time, the project would conform with those requirements. <br />Utilities and Infrastructure <br />The project will require extending public water and sewer systems on-site. The City's <br />Engineering Department is currently undertaking additional analysis of water supply and <br />distribution for the proposed project to determine potential system improvements that may be <br />necessary. <br />EBRPD Land Dedication and Staging Area <br />The southeast portion of land being dedicated to the EBRPD, Parcel B, would be used as a <br />staging area by the Park District. Staff has continuously recommended the applicant relocate <br />the staging area closer to Dublin Canyon Road in order to reduce construction and staging <br />area operational impacts to Devaney Creek and its wildlife, and to improve visibility and safety <br />of the facility. Staff has also encouraged the applicant to include Parcel C as a part of the land <br />dedicated to the EBRPD as it contains a significant portion of Devaney Creek. <br />Per the applicant, the location of the staging area is based on the Lester family's desire for <br />their new homes to remain in the general location of their previous homes, closer to Dublin <br />Canyon Road. The Lester Family would also like to retain private ownership of Parcel C, <br />feeling that they would do a better job at maintaining Devaney Creek than the EBRPD. <br />P18-0078/P18-0079/P18-0080/P18-0081/PUD-130 Planning Commission <br />10807, 11021, and 11033 Dublin Canyon Road and the parcel west of 11021 Dublin Canyon Road <br />22 of 26 <br />