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of project aesthetics and ensure that the future homes are well-designed and visually <br />well -integrated into the hillside setting. <br />Annexation and Zoning <br />The three parcels owned by the Lester family are currently in unincorporated Alameda County <br />but were prezoned to Agriculture (A) in 1986 (Ordinance No. 1288). The proposed project will <br />require rezoning from A to PUD-LDR/OS-A&G/OS-PH&S District to be consistent with the <br />General Plan Land Use designations. The rezoning process would be undertaken concurrently <br />with the PUD development plan. <br />The parcel owned by Shriners is also located in unincorporated Alameda County; it was not <br />prezoned. Thus, this parcel would need to be prezoned to be consistent with the General Plan <br />Land Use Designations (i.e., Planned Unit Development — Low Density Residential/Open <br />Space — Public Health and Safety District). Once the parcel is annexed to the City, the <br />prezoned district would then become its zoning district. If the City approves the proposed <br />General Plan map amendments, as discussed above, it would be logical to also approve <br />zoning in conformance with the revised General Plan land use map. <br />Should the City Council approve the development application, the project would be processed <br />through Alameda County Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) for their review and <br />action. <br />Circulation <br />31 lots would be accessed from a new public street connecting south from Dublin Canyon <br />Road, west of the existing intersection of Canyon Creek Circle, although the streets beyond <br />the gate would be private. Staff notes the General Plan's Circulation Element discourages new <br />gated communities (Program 7.4), though, based on the location and project proposed, that <br />applicant would like to know if the Planning Commission would consider allowing their project <br />to be gated. An EVA road is proposed, which would connect the upper portion of the <br />subdivision to the existing church driveway just west of Devaney Creek. The EBRPD staging <br />area would be accessed from Dublin Canyon Road via a separate roadway on the eastern side <br />of the property; this road would also provide access to Lots 32 and 33 (the two Lester homes) <br />located on this side of the property, near Dublin Canyon Road. Improvements would be made <br />to the Dublin Creek Road frontage, including widening of an existing bridge and culvert to <br />accommodate bike lanes on both sides of Dublin Canyon Road. <br />A sidewalk along the project's frontage, the southside of Dublin Canyon Road, is not proposed <br />nor is the City's Traffic Engineering Division requiring/recommending one be installed. Should <br />a sidewalk be proposed/desired on Dublin Canyon Road, the sidewalk would need to be a <br />minimum eight feet wide and include a six-foot wide landscape median between the new <br />sidewalk and the new eight -foot wide bike line (six-foot wide bike lane with a two -foot road/bike <br />lane buffer). Figure 15 is an image of Foothill Road illustrating what the design would generally <br />look like along the south side of Dublin Canyon Road. Staff notes installing such <br />improvements, a sidewalk along the project's frontage with bike lane and landscape buffer, <br />would require a significant amount of grading on the project site within areas were the slope is <br />25 percent or more. Installing a sidewalk has not been discussed with the applicant, though the <br />City has received comments from some residents on Dublin Canyon Road, expressing their <br />P18-00781P18-00791P18-00801P18-0081/PUD-130 Planning Commission <br />10807, 11021, and 11033 Dublin Canyon Road and the parcel west of 11021 Dublin Canyon Road <br />21 of 26 <br />