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Pleasanton Ridaelands Initiative/Measure F <br />The UGB coincides with the easterly boundary of the Pleasanton Ridgelands Area, the <br />boundary of which was established with the voter approval of Measure F in 1993. The UGB <br />was adopted in 1996 by voter -approved Measure FF. Development outside of the current UGB <br />line is not allowed. Land use within the Ridgelands Area, which includes the western portion of <br />the project site, west of the UGB, is limited to large parcel agriculture which has a base density <br />of 100 acres per building site. <br />Most of the policies/programs of the Pleasanton Ridgelands Initiative would not apply to this <br />project since there is no development proposed in the Ridgelands Area; however, there are a <br />few applicable policies/programs: <br />Policy 2 - Encourage the retention of agricultural open space uses, such as grazing, within <br />the Plan Area. <br />The area within the Pleasanton Ridgelands Area would be designated as open space and <br />dedicated to EBRPD for the public's use. Although EBRPD has indicated it would likely allow <br />grazing on this property, it cannot be determined at this time whether grazing or other <br />agricultural uses would be allowed, and such a determination would need to be made by <br />EBRPD in consideration of its land use management plan for the property. Nonetheless, the <br />proposed dedication of land for open space purposes appears generally consistent with the <br />intent of this policy to protect large, open space areas suitable for agricultural activities such as <br />grazing. <br />Program 3.2 — New development adjacent to or within the Plan Area should provide <br />pedestrian access and/or staging area(s) to enable present or future connections to the <br />Pleasanton Ridgelands Park. <br />The plan complies with this policy with respect to providing a staging area for the Pleasanton <br />Ridgelands. Although staff understands that EBRPD ultimately intends to provide trail <br />connections from the staging area, construction of these trails are not proposed as part of this <br />project. Plans should be revised to show conceptual trail alignments from the staging area, <br />consistent with EBRPD's adopted Pleasanton Ridge Land Use Plan. <br />Policy 4 — Encourage the establishment of permanent protection for open space uses <br />through the use of fee purchase, agricultural/open space easements, subdivision <br />exactions, or other means. <br />The area within the Pleasanton Ridgelands Area would be designated as open space and <br />dedicated to EBRPD for the public's use. <br />AestheticsNisibility <br />General Plan Land Use Element Policy 21 is to "Preserve the hillside and ridge views of the <br />Pleasanton, Main and Southeast Hills Ridges." Although the majority of the project is expected <br />not to be highly visible, homes on the lower portion of the site would be seen from Dublin <br />Canyon Road, and there would be views from other locations that overlook the site. The <br />applicant will be required to prepare visual simulations and use other tools to allow for analysis <br />P18-00781P18-0079/P18-00801P18-0081/PUD-130 Planning Commission <br />10807, 11021, and 11033 Dublin Canyon Road and the parcel west of 11021 Dublin Canyon Road <br />20 of 26 <br />