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staff and EBRPD have recommended the staging area be placed closer to Dublin Canyon <br />Road. Irrespective of whether the staging area is considered a structure, an alternative location <br />could allow for the staging area to be placed to where it would not impact slopes over 25 <br />percent. <br />Discussion Question 2: Would the Commission interpret Measure PP such that: <br />a) The Shriners property would be exempt from Measure PP because it would <br />individually have fewer than 10 lots? <br />b) The `spot' areas being displayed on GIS mapping as having a slope of 25 <br />percent or more should be treated as anomalies and exempt from Measure <br />PP? <br />c) Some or all of the following, including associated grading, should not be <br />defined as structures and therefore exempt from Measure PP limitations on <br />placement within areas of 25 percent or greater slope: <br />1. Project interior streets, sidewalks, and EVA? <br />2. EBRPD staging area and/or road? <br />Measure PP and Ridgelines <br />Measure PP prohibits "grading to construct residential or commercial structures... on hillside <br />slopes of 25 percent or greater, or within 100 vertical feet of a ridgeline." Based on the <br />definition of a ridgeline in the adopted Southeast Hills slope mapping and methodology (Exhibit <br />E), Figure 11 represents the only ridgeline within the project site. No development or grading is <br />proposed within 100 feet of the ridgeline. Therefore, the project would be consistent with <br />Measure PP, with respect to ridgelines. <br />�r <br />m <br />..atAc. r r <br />a <br />P18-0078/P18-0079/P18-00801P18-0081/PUD-130 Planning Commission <br />10807, 11021, and 11033 Dublin Canyon Road and the parcel west of 11021 Dublin Canyon Road <br />19 of 26 <br />