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Roads and Staging Area: Overlap with Areas of 25 Percent of Greater Slope <br />As noted, the most significant areas of overlap with slopes 25 percent or greater occur in <br />conjunction with the proposed access road (particularly through the Shriners parcel); the <br />Emergency Vehicle Access; and, to a lesser degree, the proposed EBRPD access road and <br />staging area. Figure 13 is a focused excerpt of the mapping for the area that includes the <br />EBRPD access road and staging area. <br />0000 <br />'F3,' <br />d 6L, 0 0 <br />610 �0 <br />a 6�0 <br />4 psi <br />r� j0 rJ <br />0 <br />aP� <br />r <br />azo <br />r :0 <br />630 <br />In its 2015 deliberations and approval of the Lund Ranch project (located within the Southeast <br />Hills area) the City Council determined a road was considered to be infrastructure not a <br />structure for the purposes of that project's conformance with Measure PP. However, this <br />determination has not yet been made for other projects and may still be open to interpretation <br />on a case-by-case basis. If the Lund Ranch interpretation was applied to this project, roads <br />including the proposed internal streets, EVA, and EBRPD access road, would not be prohibited <br />under Measure PP. <br />In addition, since the proposed staging area is a unique component of this project, it is unclear <br />how it should be viewed under Measure PP. On one hand, it could be considered in a manner <br />similar to a road (for vehicular circulation and related parking, to facilitate public access to an <br />open space area); or as a type of structure subject to Measure PP. As discussed further below, <br />P18-0078/P18-0079/P18-0080/P18-0081/PUD-130 Planning Commission <br />10807, 11021, and 11033 Dublin Canyon Road and the parcel west of 11021 Dublin Canyon Road <br />18 of 26 <br />