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Commissioner Wedge-Bonde indicated she would like to discuss this, but not at the next <br /> meeting when the Commission will be considering grant requests. <br /> Commissioner Casey commented on the trend being favorable for less issues relating to late <br /> reporting and questioned how reporting was for the November 2018 period. Mr. Patrick <br /> advised that only one or two agencies reported late at that time. <br /> Commissioner Jellison noted that a meeting with members of the Youth Commission the idea <br /> of some reduction in funds was discussed, but nothing appears to have been done. <br /> Commissioner Jellison questioned if the Civic Arts Commission was tied to decisions made by <br /> the Youth Commission. Mr. Patrick advised that this funding period will be the first time for this <br /> recommendation to be included. <br /> Commissioner Wedge-Bonde noted there have been times in the past that the Commission <br /> has chosen not to fund an organization because of issues. <br /> Chairperson Pellegrino questioned when members of the Commission should be reviewing <br /> grant applications on Zoomgrants. Mr. Patrick advised that members of the Commission <br /> should have already received notification that the grants are available for them to review. <br /> 6. Review and Discuss Civic Arts Programs <br /> Ms. Whitney introduced Rob Vogt and Mark Duncanson advising they would be providing <br /> information on the Amador Theater, Firehouse Arts Center, Harrington Gallery, and current <br /> programming classes, camps, contracts, special events, and marketing efforts. <br /> Mr. Vogt provided his report that included: <br /> • Amador Theater uses by both the City of Pleasanton and PUSD <br /> - Civic Arts Stage Company <br /> - Summer Drama Camp <br /> - Pleasanton Collaborates <br /> - DARE <br /> • Veterans Memorial Building — Various programs <br /> • Firehouse Arts Center <br /> - Theatrical Productions <br /> - Headline Accounts <br /> • Staffing for the Division <br /> Mr. Duncanson provided information about: <br /> • Youth and Teen Theater Programs and Classes <br /> • Music and Drama Camps <br /> • Teen Performing Arts <br /> • Visual Arts <br /> Civic Arts Commission Minutes <br /> February 4, 2019 <br /> Page 5 <br />