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BIA BAY AREA <br /> BUILDING INDUSTRY ASSOCIATION <br /> DATE: Sept.4,2018 <br /> TO: Pleasanton Mayor Jerry Thorne, Vice Mayor Arne Olson and Councilmembers <br /> Karla Brown,Kathy Narum and Jerry Pentin <br /> FROM: BIAIBay Area East Bay Executive Director for Governmental Affairs <br /> Lisa Vorderbrueggen <br /> RE: Item 9: "Presentation and Discussion on Recommended Capital Facility,Transportation <br /> and Affordable Housing Development Impact fees" <br /> As a membership organization that represents more than 400 companies dedicated to developing and <br /> constructing homes, BIAIBay Area would like to express a number of concerns about your staff's <br /> proposed development impact fee increases. Based on the staff report,the three fee increases add$7,300 <br /> to the cost of a single-family unit and up to$9,000 for a multi-family and represent hikes of 15 percent to <br /> 30 percent, respectively. <br /> However,the report appears to significantly understate the proposed increase in the affordable housing <br /> impact fee. The city's published fee schedule effective lists the current rate for a single-family unit of <br /> 1,500 sq. ft. or larger at$11,939 while the rate for an apartment or condo is$2,959 per unit. These figures <br /> are substantially lower than the rates listed as the current fees in Table 12 of the staff report: $27,187 per <br /> single-family and$15,694 per multi-family. Comparing the proposed rates with those in the published fee <br /> schedule,the combined increases add up to$22,543 per single-family unit and$21,752 per multi-family, <br /> or 70 percent and 123 percent, respectively. The reason for the discrepancy is not explained in the staff <br /> report. <br /> Increasing the cost of building houses by such substantial amounts will drive up the price for the housing <br /> that is built and make it even more difficult for families to buy or rent in your community. Consider these <br /> statistics: <br /> • 90 percent of people who work in Pleasanton live outside the city,according to your nexus <br /> study. The presence of the large Hacienda Business Park no doubt contributes to this <br /> extraordinarily high percentage but the city's high housing prices must be a major factor,as well. <br /> (Pleasanton Development Impact Fee Nexus Study, Page 7)The city's own affordable housing <br /> nexus studies base the proposed fee on the premise that 100 percent of service employees needed <br /> to serve new housing occupants must live in Pleasanton. Clearly,the affordability problem far <br /> exceeds the needs of service workers. The city should strive to reduce costs for all types of <br /> housing. In light of this goal,the proposed affordable housing impact fee is too high and will be <br /> counter-productive. <br /> • For every$1,000 increase in the price of house,another 15,328 California households are <br /> priced out of the market,according to the National Association of Home Builders. Developers <br />