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EXHIBIT B - COMPENSATION FOR SERVICES <br /> Below Market Rate (BMR) & Down Payment Assistance (DPA) Activities <br /> Activity Description Hello's Rates <br /> Fixed Costs <br /> Annually, send up to three letters requesting signed certification and <br /> proof of occupancy. Upon completion of annual monitoring and <br /> Annual Compliance compliance, provide the City with a monitoring report summarizing the $145 <br /> Monitoring of Portfolio findings and listing detailed information regarding non-responders or per file <br /> non-compliant responders. Update status in database as Active or <br /> Resolved. If no response after three attempts, report list of Active files <br /> to the City. Follow-up to be performed on an hourly basis. <br /> Variable Costs <br /> Follow City's resale procedures. Market units through City's interest list, <br /> Hello Housing's Stay Connected list, counseling agencies, and list <br /> Setup of BMR Resale home on Hello Housing's website. Prepare a resale application <br /> package, discuss the resale procedure with owners, review documents, $500 <br /> calculate affordable resale price, coordinate with listing and buyer per resale <br /> agents (if applicable)to explain program guidelines that a qualified <br /> buyer will have to meet. <br /> Answer all calls and emails from the public and provide the guidance <br /> required to complete the BMR application for lottery ranking. Prepare <br /> Waitlist Creation and online pre-application, full application and paper application. Calculate $4,600 <br /> Management preference points and conduct a virtual lottery to determine the ranking per lottery <br /> order for inviting complete applications, determining program eligibility <br /> and approval for a BMR sale. <br /> Resale Milestone 1: Process and underwrite selected applicants from lottery ranking to <br /> Initial Qualification, determine if they meet eligibility requirements as set forth in the <br /> Lender Pre Approval & marketing plan. Collect all required documents from the applicant and $850 <br /> City Conditional complete initial screening for program eligibility. Obtain conditional per file <br /> Approval/Disqualification approval or disqualification from the City and preapproval from a <br /> qualified Lender. <br /> When a unit is ready for sale, collect updated required documents from <br /> the applicant(as needed depending on time passed since conditional <br /> approval) and lender documentation. Screen documents and <br /> Resale Milestone 2: information provided to verify income and program eligibility prior to $1,450 <br /> Final Approval & per qualified <br /> Purchase Agreement execution of purchase agreement between developer and applicant. purchaser <br /> Prepare final approval package for the City and obtain approval for <br /> developer to enter into contract. Coordinate Buyer and Developer to <br /> enter into purchase & sale agreement. <br /> Track each application with lenders, requiring weekly reports on each <br /> file to ensure prompt approvals. Coordinate collection of required <br /> Resale Milestone 3: information from escrow and lender needed to complete City $1,725 <br /> Doc Preparation & documents including restrictions, notes, DOTs and escrow instructions. per <br /> Closing Create the documents and route with instructions for signatures and homebuyer <br /> notarizing at the City. Coordinate pickup and delivery of executed <br /> documents to title and track file through all stages of escrow to ensure <br /> conforming loan is secured and a timely close of escrow. <br /> Process and review appeals from disqualified applicants to determine if <br /> they meet eligibility requirements as set forth in the Program $100 <br /> Resale Appeals Guidelines. Prepare a final determination packet for City review and per hour <br /> approval. <br /> FY18/19 Professional Services Agreement—Hello Housing Page 7 of 10 <br />