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The City Council finds that the character of the area adjacent to the proposed site <br /> including a variety of commercial and residential uses such as public storage, multi- <br /> tenant medical and professional office buildings, assisted living and memory care <br /> facility, and multi-family apartments, all have consistent and compatible building <br /> setbacks and street presence along Santa Rita Road. The development proposed <br /> under the Planned Unit Development has been designed with setbacks far greater <br /> than any property in the general area and includes the placement of the large <br /> parking lot between the proposed building and Santa Rita Road. The project as <br /> proposed will is out of character with development along Santa Rita Road and will <br /> not be compatible with previously developed properties in the vicinity due to the site <br /> design and layout as proposed that is inconsistent with the general area. The City <br /> Council further finds that the proposed development as set forth in the Planned Unit <br /> Development plan will not be complementary to and in harmony with the existing <br /> development for the area along Santa Rita Road due to the proposed building <br /> location and auto-oriented design. <br /> D. Whether grading takes into account environmental characteristics and is <br /> designed in keeping with the best engineering practices to avoid erosion, slides, or <br /> flooding to have as minimal an effect upon the environment as possible: <br /> The site is relatively flat with minimum changes in grades proposed. Erosion control <br /> and dust suppression measures would be documented in the building permit plans <br /> and would be administered by the City's Building and Safety Division. City building <br /> code requirements would ensure the buildings and parking lot are constructed on <br /> properly-prepared surfaces. Storm water runoff associated with the project would be <br /> treated and directed into the bio-retention planters before being released. The site is <br /> not located within an Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Fault Zone. Therefore, the forth <br /> PUD consideration can be made for the project. <br /> E. Whether streets and buildings have been designed and located to complement <br /> the natural terrain and landscape: <br /> The City Council finds that the existing site is relatively flat and that the proposed <br /> building and site design do not change the existing condition of the site or make <br /> major topographical changes to the site's existing flat terrain, therefore this finding <br /> can be made. <br /> F. Whether adequate public safety measures have been incorporated into the <br /> design of the plan: <br /> The City Council finds that adequate public safety measures have been incorporated <br /> into the project and this finding can be made. Specifically the new driveway <br /> entrances are located and configured to provide adequate line-of-sight viewing <br /> distance and to facilitate efficient ingress/egress to and from the project site. <br /> Adequate access would be provided to the site and building for police, fire, and other <br />