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ATTACHMENT 1 <br /> ORDINANCE NO. <br /> AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PLEASANTON <br /> APPROVING THE APPLICATION OF THE CARPENTERS TRAINING TRUST FUND, <br /> FOR PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT (PUD) DEVELOPMENT PLAN APPROVAL, <br /> AS FILED UNDER CASE PUD-125 <br /> WHEREAS, on May 10, 2017 the Carpenters Training Trust Fund applied for PUD <br /> development plan approval under Case No. PUD-125 to demolish the existing CTC building and <br /> construct an approximately 87,000-square-foot two-story CTC building and outdoor training and <br /> storage yard and a pad for a future, approximately 17,000-square-foot office building with <br /> associated site improvements at 2350 Santa Rita Road ("Project"); and <br /> WHEREAS, in advance of the PUD application, on March 1, 2017 the Carpenters <br /> Training Trust Fund submitted a similar project for Preliminary Review under Case No. P17- <br /> 0137; and <br /> WHEREAS, zoning for the property is PUD-O/C-C (Planned Unit Development — <br /> Office/Central Commercial) District and the proposed Project is subject to a new PUD <br /> development plan pursuant to the Pleasanton Municipal Code ("PMC"), Chapter 18.68 ("18.68 <br /> PUD Planned Unit Development District"); and <br /> WHEREAS, the proposed project is exempt from California Environmental Quality Act <br /> (CEQA) Guidelines, pursuant to Section 15183, Projects Consistent with a Community Plan, <br /> General Plan, or Zoning, where additional environment review is not required except as <br /> necessary to examine whether there are project-specific significant effects which are peculiar to <br /> the project or its site; and <br /> WHEREAS, the Planning Commission considered the project at a workshop on July 26, <br /> 2017, and, after public testimony, discussion, and review of the proposed plans the Planning <br /> Commission expressed general support for the new architecture, but expressed concern about <br /> the uncertainty of timing for construction of the future office building which they felt was an <br /> important feature along Santa Rita Road to maintain the street fronting building presence in <br /> place with the existing CTC building proposed for demolition. Absent a detailed phasing plan <br /> and known timing for the construction of the future office building, the Commission requested <br /> that alternative site design and layouts be considered that would include new placement of the <br /> proposed Carpenter's building towards the street; and <br /> WHEREAS, in advance of the formal PUD public hearing, the Carpenters Training Trust <br /> Fund submitted a revised narrative and plans in which the location of the CTC building and yard <br /> did not change, but the proposed parking, circulation, and future office building location and size <br /> were revised to retain additional street trees and landscaping along Santa Rita Road. In <br /> addition, an additional phase was added that created additional landscaping and improvements <br /> on-site until the future office building can be constructed without leaving an empty office pad. <br /> WHEREAS, the Planning Commission considered the revised project at a hearing on <br /> December 13, 2017. After public testimony, discussion, and review of the proposed plans, the <br /> Planning Commission expressed concern that there may be insufficient parking at build-out of <br /> the CTC and the office building, and disappointment that no alternatives were studied or <br /> analyzed by the applicant that would bring the CTC closer to Santa Rita Road. The Planning <br /> Commission voted unanimously to continue the hearing to a date uncertain and again directed <br />