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the applicant to consider alternative phasing options to allow the Carpenter's building to be <br /> moved closer to the street; and <br /> WHEREAS, on January 11, 2018 the applicant submitted revised project plans including <br /> changes to eliminate the office building, and to add compact parking stalls to increase the total <br /> number of parking; and <br /> WHEREAS, on March 14, 2018 the Planning Commission held a continued <br /> public hearing on the application and considered all revised plans, public testimony, agenda <br /> reports, related materials, and staffs recommendation of denial. After discussion and testimony <br /> from the applicant, the Commission determined that the placement of the building could be <br /> found to be acceptable and directed the applicant to revise the project to add additional <br /> landscaping and screening features along the Santa Rita Road street frontage to better screen <br /> the proposed parking lot from view, provide public art along the frontage, and to provide <br /> additional visual renderings to illustrate the future Santa Rita Road street frontage. Subject to <br /> consideration of these revisions, the Commission voted unanimously to continue the hearing to <br /> a date uncertain and directed staff to draft a resolution recommending City Council approval of <br /> the project with conditions of approval; and <br /> WHEREAS, on April 9, 2018 the applicant submitted revised project plans including new <br /> street frontage and art improvements; and <br /> WHEREAS, at its meeting on April 25, 2018, the Planning Commission considered all <br /> revised plans, public testimony, agenda reports, related materials, and recommendations of <br /> staff and adopted Resolution PC-2018-08, determining that the proposed PUD development <br /> plan is appropriate for the site, making findings, and recommending to the Pleasanton City <br /> Council that PUD-125 be approved; and; and <br /> WHEREAS, on May 15, 2018, the City Council held a duly noticed public hearing on this <br /> application and considered all public testimony, agenda reports, and related materials, and the <br /> recommendations of the City staff and the Planning Commission; and <br /> WHEREAS, after a review of the materials presented, the City Council determines that <br /> the proposed PUD development plan is consistent with the City's General Plan and purposes of <br /> the PUD ordinance, and by this reference adopts and reaffirms all of the considerations and <br /> findings set forth in Planning Commission Resolution PC-2018-08. <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PLEASANTON DOES <br /> HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: <br /> Section 1. The City Council denies Case PUD-125, the application of the Carpenters <br /> Training Trust Fund for Planned Unit Development (PUD) development plan (PUD-125) <br /> approval to demolish the existing CTC building and construct an approximately 87,000-square- <br /> foot two-story CTC building and outdoor training and storage yard and a pad for a future, <br /> approximately 17,000-square-foot office building with associated site improvements at 2350 <br /> Santa Rita Road; subject to the conditions as shown in Exhibit A, attached hereto and made <br /> part of this ordinance by this reference. <br /> Section 2. A summary of this ordinance shall be published once within fifteen (15) days <br /> after its adoption in "The Valley Times," a newspaper of general circulation published in the City <br /> of Pleasanton, and the complete ordinance shall be posted for fifteen (15) days in the City <br /> Clerk's office within fifteen (15) days after its adoption. <br /> 2 <br />