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streetscape modifications to incorporated attractive and well-designed site features <br /> including gabion walls, steel panels, and public art, along the Santa Rita frontage, <br /> intended to meet the policy requirements of the General Plan. <br /> While staff and the Planning Commission's recommendations on this project are not <br /> unified, staff nonetheless recognizes that the General Plan includes a broad range of <br /> policies, reflecting and supporting various community values and priorities. These <br /> values and priorities are sometimes competing or need to be considered in balance — <br /> for example, supporting economic development and new investment, while also <br /> controlling the amount, type, character, and location of new development, which might <br /> be more costly or restrictive for the developer. A determination of policy consistency can <br /> also be to some degree subjective, with, ultimately, the City Council determining <br /> whether the findings can be made, based on facts and information in the record. <br /> PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT CONSIDERATIONS <br /> Section 18.68.110 of the Pleasanton Municipal Code sets forth purposes of the Planned <br /> Unit Development (PUD) District and seven separate considerations to be addressed in <br /> reviewing a PUD development plan. It must be found that all seven considerations are <br /> able to be met in order to approve a project. As discussed, based on the concerns <br /> above outlined with regard to General Plan conformance, staff believes that the findings <br /> for approval could not be met as set forth in the findings for denial included as <br /> Attachment 2. <br /> Equally, for similar reasons to those outlined with respect to General Plan conformance, <br /> above, the Planning Commission concluded that the findings for PUD approval could be <br /> made and, based on the direction provided, the attached draft ordinance for approval <br /> has also been included as Attachment 1, which includes findings of conformance with <br /> the PUD considerations. <br /> PUBLIC NOTICE <br /> Notice of this hearing was sent to all property owners and tenants/occupants within <br /> 1,000 feet of the subject property as shown in Attachment 8. Staff has not received any <br /> verbal or written communications about the proposal as of the publication of this agenda <br /> report. Any public comments or concerns will be forwarded to the City Council. <br /> ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT <br /> The proposed project is consistent with the development density established within the <br /> Pleasanton 2005-2025 General Plan and associated Environmental Impact Report <br /> (EIR) which was adopted and certified in July 2009. From environmental review <br /> pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines, Section 15183, <br /> Projects Consistent with a Community Plan, General Plan, or Zoning, additional <br /> environment review is not required except as necessary to examine whether there are <br /> project-specific significant effects which are peculiar to the project or its site. The project <br /> involves the re-development of an existing developed property, including replacement of <br /> existing buildings and parking areas with new and reconfigured building and parking. A <br /> Traffic Impact Analysis and Noise Assessment were prepared for the project and <br /> Page 12 of 13 <br />