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4.1.1. $0 to $10,000: Department Head Approval <br /> No specific solicitation process is required. Comparative pricing is <br /> expected to secure the lowest qualified price. <br /> Authorization to select vendor and process purchase is determined by <br /> Department Head. <br /> Price quote is required as documentation prior to the purchase. <br /> Use of City agreement (with maximum term of five years) or PO is <br /> recommended but not required. If the vendor requires a vendor- <br /> provided agreement instead, it requires prior review and approval from <br /> the Law Department. <br /> Forward properly coded vendor invoice to the Finance Department for <br /> payment. If using a City agreement or PO, submit it to the Finance <br /> Department with the invoice. <br /> 4.1.2. $10,000.01 to $100,000: City Manager Approval <br /> Three written price quotes must be received prior to purchase. If three <br /> cannot be obtained, submit a memo to the Finance Department with <br /> the City agreement or PO outlining the solicitation/selection process. <br /> Alternatively, a Cooperative Purchasing Agreement (CPA) can be <br /> used. <br /> Qualified Low Bidder must be selected. If recommending a CPA, Sole <br /> Source Vendor, or a contractor other than the Qualified Low Bidder, <br /> the Department Head must submit a memo to the Finance Department <br /> justifying the selection. <br /> City agreement (with maximum term of five years)or PO is required, <br /> and must be signed by the City Manager prior to issuance. If the <br /> vendor requires a vendor-provided agreement instead, it requires prior <br /> review and approval from the Law Department. Annual recurring <br /> purchases require the vendor's signature. <br /> 6 The Department Head may formally designate signing authority for purchases less than $10,000 <br /> to a member of his/her staff. <br /> Depending on the type of work, goods, or services, this may be an(As-Needed) Maintenance <br /> and Trade Services Agreement or an Agreement for Goods and Services. Insurance requirements <br /> must be specified in each of the agreements. <br /> DRAFT Purchasing Procedures and Manua! 11 15 16 11 <br />