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<br />59. The design and grading necessary to extend Clara Lane along the frontage of Lot 3 of the Jardin parcel (PUD- <br />99-12) shall be shown on the tentative map along with any necessary slope easements which would need to be <br />granted on Lot 3 for the future construction of this roadway and associated improvements. <br /> <br />60. The developer shall pay the City the necessary to construct the future street improvements for Clara Lane <br />across Lot 3 of the Jardin parcel (PUD-99-12) to the extent required by the Subdivision Ordinance at such <br />time in the future as this is deemed necessary by the City Engineer. Said public improvements may include, <br />but are not necessarily limited to grading, curb and gutter, paving, street lighting, street trees, fire hydrants, <br />street monuments, underground utilities, storm drain facilities, sanitary sewer facilities, tree removal, traffic <br />control devices, landscaping and automatic irrigation systems. The final cost ofthese improvements shall be <br />determined prior to the recordation of the final map. <br /> <br />61. The applicant shall submit a refundable cash bond for hazard and erosion control prior to issuance of an <br />Engineering or Building Department permit. The amount of this bond will be determined by the City <br />Engineer. <br /> <br />62. All signs installed along the project's Vineyard Avenue frontage shall conform to the "Wine Country <br />Community Access Corridor" design guidelines developed by the Livermore Chamber of Commerce. <br /> <br />63. The applicant shall dedicate to the City for street right-of-way purposes those parcels of land intended to be <br />public streets. <br /> <br />64. The applicant shall grant an easement to the City over those parcels needed for public service easements <br />(P.S.E.) and which are approved by the City Engineer or other easements which may be designated by the <br />City Engineer. <br /> <br />65. The design for the line, grade, and structural sections for the streets serving this development shall be subject <br />to final review and approval by the City Engineer. <br /> <br />66. All existing wells on the site shall be removed or sealed, filled and abandoned pursuant to Alameda County <br />Ord. 73-68, prior to the start of grading operations unless Zone 7 retains specific wells for observation wells, <br />or special approval is obtained from the City Engineer for temporary use of an existing well for construction <br />water. Any wells designated for abandonment or any wells, encountered during construction, are to be <br />destroyed in accordance with a permit obtained from Zone 7. <br /> <br />67. All existing septic tanks or holding tanks shall be removed or sealed, filled, and abandoned, pursuant to the <br />requirements of the Alameda County Department of Health Services. The existing Jardin residence on Lot 3 <br />(PUD-99-12) shall be connected to the City sewer system as part of the subdivision improvements. The <br />sewer main in Clara Lane shall be extended to the eastern boundary of the Elgamal property in order to allow <br />the existing homes to connect to the City sewer at their own expense. <br /> <br />68. The applicant shall include erosion control measures on the final grading plan, subject to the approval of the <br />City Engineer. The applicant is responsible for ensuring that the contractor is aware of such measures. All <br />cut and fill slopes shall be revegetated and stabilized as soon as possible after completion of grading, in no <br />case later than October 15. No grading shall occur between October 15 and April 15 unless approved erosion <br />control measures are in place, subjectto the approval of the Building Department. Such measures shall be <br />maintained until such time as permanent landscaping is in place. <br /> <br />69. Storm drainage swales, gutters, inlets, outfalls, and channels not within the area of a dedicated public street or <br />public service easement approved by the City Engineer shall be privately maintained by the property owners <br />or through an association approved by the City. <br />