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<br />7. This approval does not guarantee the availability of sufficient water to serve the <br />project. The City shall withhold building permits for the project if at the time <br />building permits are applied for, mandatory water rationing is in effect, unless the <br />City has adopted a water offset program and unless the developer is participating <br />in the program. Notwithstanding the developer's participation in such a program, <br />the City may withhold building permits if the City determines that sufficient water <br />is not available at the time of application of building permits. <br /> <br />8. There shall be no truck deliveries, parking lot sweeping, or garbage pick-up be- <br />tween the hours of 10:00 PM and 6:00 AM. <br /> <br />9. The project developer shall fund the City's construction of a minimum six foot (6' <br />0") wide public sidewalk along the northwesterly and northerly sides of Stoneridge <br />Mall Road from the project's boundary on Stoneridge Mall Road to the existing <br />public sidewalk in front of the Stoneridge Corporate Plaza development located on <br />the northeast comer of Stoneridge Mall Road and Embarcadero Court; the off-site <br />portion of this sidewalk shall be eligible for reimbursement from other benefiting <br />properties. <br /> <br />10. This project developer shall submit a parcel map covering parcels 941-1201-32-1, <br />941-1201-63, 941-1201-64, and 941-1201-65-2 before issuance of a demolition! <br />grading/building permit for the subject project. The parcel map shall combine <br />these parcels where necessary to accommodate the buildings covered by this ap- <br />proval. The parcel shall be recorded before issuance of a building permit. With <br />recordation of the parcel map, the project developer shall record reciprocal access, <br />parking, and utility easements with maintenance and repair responsibilities clearly <br />defined among all parcels unless otherwise approved by the Planning Director. <br /> <br />II. The project developer shall work with the City's Civic Arts Commission to incor- <br />porate into the project a public art piece located on a publicly accessible area ofthe <br />site to the satisfaction of the Planning Director before issuance of a building per- <br />mit. Modifications to the parking area and landscaped portions may be made in <br />order to accommodate the art. <br /> <br />12. The project developer shall revise the design of the southeast comer of the pro- <br />posed five- (5-) story building to improve the integration of this design element <br />with the overall design of the proposed structure. Means to accomplish this would <br />include, but not be limited to, using brick/tile material in place of the proposed flat <br />metal panels surrounding the windows, recessing the windows behind the metal <br /> <br />2-98-071. Safeway Headquarters <br />Exhibit "B". Final Conditions of Approval per Planning Commission <br /> <br />July 22, 1998 <br />Page 2 of 17 <br />