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ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT <br />The DSEIR for the JDEDZ was completed and circulated for public comment on <br />September 14, 2015. To allow adequate time for public review, staff extended the public <br />comment period beyond the required 45 days required by State law. The comment <br />period closed on November 23, 2015. Because the proposed JDEDZ would change <br />land use policies and regulations, and does not entail a specific development plan, the <br />DSEIR analyzed the physical effects of a reasonable development scenario based on <br />the potential underlying land use changes. In this case, that reasonable development <br />scenario includes club retail (148,000 square feet), hotel (132,000 square feet), and <br />general retail (43,903 square feet) uses. <br />Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Report (DSEIR) <br />The DSEIR addresses a wide range of potentially significant environmental impact <br />areas. The DSEIR describes impacts in each of the topical areas and summarizes the <br />impacts in the Summary chapter of the DSEIR (see Chapter 2 of the DSEIR). Analysis <br />of the impacts of the proposed JDEDZ indicated potentially significant and unavoidable <br />impacts on air quality and transportation and traffic. The following bullet points <br />summarize the eight significant and unavoidable impacts which are identified in the <br />DSEIR (i.e., impacts that cannot be reduced to a less -than -significant level with <br />mitigation). It should be noted that these significant and unavoidable impacts are <br />primarily associated with the size and amount of development that would be expected to <br />occur within the JDEDZ area, as development projects above a certain size generally <br />have significant unavoidable traffic and air quality impacts under CEQA, regardless of <br />mitigation measures intended to reduce vehicle trips or air pollutants, or the fact that <br />projects in urban areas can have regional benefits (e.g., by reducing driving distances to <br />shopping opportunities, or providing jobs close to population centers). <br />• Significant and Unavoidable Air Quality Impacts <br />The information provided below is intended to provide an overview of the anticipated <br />air quality impacts and mitigation measures resulting from the implementation of the <br />JDEDZ. For more detailed information, please refer to Chapter 4.B of the DSEIR <br />(Attachment 2). The JDEDZ will generate significant and unavoidable air quality <br />impacts as follows: <br />m Impact 4.B-2: The JDEDZ would generate a considerable net increase of criteria <br />pollutants and precursors for which the air basin is already in nonattainment <br />status under the existing ambient air quality standards. Mitigation Measure 4.B-3 <br />would slightly reduce total criteria pollutants but not reduce emissions to less - <br />than -significant levels. <br />o Impact 4.B-3: Due to an increase of criteria pollutants and precursors, operation <br />of uses within the proposed JDEDZ area would conflict with or obstruct <br />implementation of the Bay Area Air Quality Management District's (BAAQMD) <br />2010 Clean Air Plan, and this impact would be significant and unavoidable. <br />o Impact 4.B-6: The JDEDZ would generate operational emissions that would <br />result in cumulative criteria air pollutant air quality impacts, when combined with <br />past, present and other reasonably foreseeable development in the vicinity. <br />Page 9 of 22 <br />