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City of Pleasanton General Plan and Municipal Codes. The City has not updated the General <br />Plan or municipal codes cited in the SEIR. <br />City of Pleasanton Climate Action Plan. The City has not updated its Climate Action Plan. <br />Bay Area Air Quality Management District Clean Air Plan. The most recent revision to the <br />BAAQMD Clean Air Plan was adopted in April 2017; the SEIR includes a discussion of <br />the previous version of the Clean Air Plan that was adopted in 2010. The revised plan <br />does not constitute significant new information because the CEQA significance criteria <br />previously recommended by the BAAQMD have not changed, and, therefore, the <br />conclusions addressing air quality impacts in the Draft SEIR (which conservatively <br />assumed significant and unavoidable impacts related to air emissions from operation of <br />new uses within the area of the proposed EDZ) are not likely to change, nor are any new <br />potentially significant impacts likely to be identified. <br />Assembly Bill 52 (Native Americans: California Environmental Quality Act). In September <br />2014, the California Legislature passed Assembly Bill (AB) 52, which added provisions <br />to the Public Resources Code regarding the evaluation of impacts on tribal cultural <br />resources under CEQA, and consultation requirements with Califomia Native American <br />tribes. In particular, AB 52 now requires lead agencies to analyze project impacts on <br />"tribal cultural resources" separately from archaeological resources (Pub. Res. C <br />§§21074, 21083.09). AB 52 also requires lead agencies to engage in additional <br />consultation procedures with respect to California Native American tribes (Pub. Res. <br />Code §§21080.3.1, 21080.3.2, 21082.3). On June 3, 2016, the California Natural <br />Resources Agency released a revised proposal to update Appendix G of the CEQA <br />Guidelines related to tribal cultural resources. <br />Notably, AB 52's provisions only apply to EIRs that have a NOP filed on or after July 1, <br />2015. Because the NOP for the proposed EDZ SEIR was published prior to this date, the <br />EDZ was determined to be not subject to AB 52 requirements. Regardless of the <br />applicability of AB 52's provisions, the SEIR was reviewed with regards to potential <br />impacts to Native American resources. As described in the SEIR, surveys that took <br />place within the area of the proposed EDZ and in the vicinity found no significant cultural <br />resources. In addition, the City submitted a sacred lands search request to the Native <br />American Heritage Commission (NAHC) on September 5, 2014. A response was <br />received on September 16, 2014, and confirmed that a records search of NAHC's <br />sacred lands file did not indicate the presence of Native American cultural resources in <br />the area of the EDZ or in the vicinity. Therefore, regardless of the applicability of AB 52 <br />to the proposed EDZ, the SEIR indicates that there would be no significant impacts to <br />tribal cultural resources. <br />67 <br />