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No significant new information has been added regarding the Approach to Analysis <br />(Methodology) <br />No substantial changes to analytical methodologies as described in the SEIR have taken <br />place that would result in significant new information, as discussed below. Specifically: <br />Alameda Countywide Travel Demand Model. The SEIR analysis used the City's travel <br />demand model for cumulative projections, and the city's model uses Alameda County's <br />Countywide Travel Demand Model as its basis. Neither the City's travel demand model <br />nor the Countywide Travel Demand Model has been updated since 2014. <br />Senate Bill 743 and Analysis of Vehicle Miles Traveled. Although analysis of traffic impacts <br />related to an increase in Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) is not yet required under CEQA, <br />it is widely believed that the adoption of Senate Bill 743 will require this analysis in the <br />near future. Regardless, the SEIR included a VMT analysis partly in response to the <br />adoption of SB 743, and disclosed the results. The VMT analysis used three different <br />vehicle trip accounting methods and the results from all three indicated an increase in <br />VMT per capita. <br />No significant new information has been added that changes Impact Conclusions or <br />Recommended Mitigation Measures <br />Because no changes to the EDZ have been proposed and no substantial changes to <br />setting, regulatory setting, or analytical methodologies have taken place, no changes to <br />any of the impact conclusions or proposed mitigation measures are required. <br />The analysis of cumulative impacts in the SEIR relied on cumulative scenarios included <br />in the City's travel demand model, General Plan and regional projections, and planned <br />development within the vicinity of the area of the proposed EDZ. As discussed above, <br />there have been no substantial changes to the City's travel demand model and no <br />updates to the General Plan. In addition, no new regional projections have been finalized <br />by the regional planning agencies (Association of Bay Area Governments and <br />Metropolitan Transportation Commission). The City has also confirmed that no additional <br />projects have been proposed within 1,000 feet of the area of the proposed JDEZ that <br />would result in impacts not already considered in the SEIR. Therefore, no changes to <br />any of the cumulative impact conclusions or proposed mitigation measures addressing <br />cumulative impacts are required. <br />No significant new information has been added relating to Alternatives <br />The City has confirmed that no new feasible alternatives that are considerably different <br />from the alternatives assessed in the SEIR and that would lessen the environmental <br />impacts of the proposed EDZ have been identified. <br />68 <br />