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2. A substantial increase in the severity of an environmental impact would result <br />unless mitigation measures are adopted that reduce the impact to a level of <br />insignificance; <br />3. A feasible project alternative or mitigation measure considerably different from <br />others previously analyzed would clearly lessen the environmental impacts of the <br />project, but the project's proponents decline to adopt it; or <br />4. The draft EIR was so fundamentally and basically inadequate and conclusory in <br />nature that meaningful public review and comment were precluded. <br />By comparison, recirculation is not required when new information merely amplifies, <br />clarifies, or makes insignificant modifications to an adequate EIR (CEQA Guidelines <br />§15088.5(b)). <br />B. No Significant New Information has Arisen Since Publication of the <br />Final SEIR <br />As discussed below, no information has arisen since the publication of the Final SEIR <br />that meets the definition of "significant new information" as defined in CEQA Guidelines <br />Section 15088.5(a). <br />No significant new information has been added to the Project Description <br />The City has confirmed that the proposed EDZ, including the anticipated land <br />development program, has not changed from its description in Chapter 3.0, Project <br />Description, of the EIR. <br />No significant new information has been added to the Environmental Setting <br />Descriptions of existing physical conditions in the area of the EDZ are presented and <br />described in the SEIR Setting sections for each of the four main environmental topics — <br />namely, Aesthetics, Air Quality, Noise, and Traffic and Transportation — as well as all <br />other environmental topics discussed in the document. The discussions of the <br />environmental setting are based on actual physical conditions as they existed on the <br />date of publication of the Notice of Preparation for the Draft SEIR (NOP), August 25, <br />2014 — this date established the baseline for the SEIR. <br />A visit to the area of the EDZ conducted on April 16, 2017 indicated no substantial <br />changes to the physical conditions as described in the SEIR have taken place within the <br />area of the proposed EDZ. The City has confirmed this conclusion. <br />No significant new information has been added to the Regulatory Setting <br />Although some changes have taken place, no substantial changes to the regulations, <br />rules, and plans as described in the SEIR Regulatory Setting discussions have occurred <br />that would result in significant new information, as discussed below. Specific examples <br />include: <br />66 <br />