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o Require commute based trip reduction programs for all businesses of more <br />than 20 on-site employees that may include transit subsidies, parking cash <br />out incentives, and carpool parking preferences; <br />o Provide preferred parking spaces and recharging stations for electric <br />vehicles; <br />o Require businesses to provide bicycle facility amenities such as showers and <br />lockers; <br />o Require electrical hook-ups for diesel trucks at loading docks; <br />o Require any new backup diesel generators to meet CARB's Tier 4 emission <br />standards; <br />o Prohibit all vehicles including commercial motor vehicles with gross <br />vehicular weight ratings of less than 10,000 pounds from idling for more <br />than 2 minutes; and <br />o Require truck fleets based in the area of the proposed EDZ to meet CARB's <br />highest engine tier available at the time the building permits are issued. <br />Site(s) affected: All sites within the proposed Zone. <br />Implementation of Mitigation Measure 4.B-2 would not reduce the impact to less <br />than significant as anticipated buildout within the area of the proposed Zone would <br />result in emissions of NOx and PM 10 that would remain above the BAAQMD <br />significance thresholds, even with implementation of mitigation. <br />(Draft SEIR, pp. 4.B-18 to 4.B-21.) <br />Impact 4.B-3 <br />Operation of uses within the area of the proposed Zone would conflict with or <br />obstruct implementation of the applicable air quality plan. <br />The SEIR evaluates the impacts on air quality that would result from construction <br />and operation activities that would take place within the area of the proposed Zone. The <br />assessment includes the potential for the proposed Zone to violate an air quality standard or <br />contribute substantially to an existing or projected air quality violation, to result in a cumulatively <br />considerable net increase of any criteria pollutant for which the region is in non -attainment, or to <br />expose sensitive receptors to substantial pollutant concentrations, including odors. Air quality <br />effects related to the proposed Zone are evaluated against State and federal ambient air quality <br />standards, as well as the standards established by the BAAQMD. <br />Significance Before Mitigation: Significant <br />Significance After Mitigation: Significant and Unavoidable <br />Finding: Changes have been incorporated into the proposed Zone that would <br />39 <br />