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that would result in a considerable net increase of criteria pollutants and precursors for which the <br />air basin is in nonattainment under an applicable federal or state ambient air quality standard. <br />The SEIR evaluates the impacts on air quality that would result from construction <br />and operation activities that would take place within the area of the proposed Zone. The <br />assessment includes the potential for the proposed Zone to violate an air quality standard or <br />contribute substantially to an existing or projected air quality violation, to result in a cumulatively <br />considerable net increase of any criteria pollutant for which the region is in non -attainment, or to <br />expose sensitive receptors to substantial pollutant concentrations, including odors. Air quality <br />effects related to the proposed Zone are evaluated against State and federal ambient air quality <br />standards, as well as the standards established by the BAAQMD. <br />Significance Before Mitigation: Significant <br />Significance After Mitigation: Significant and Unavoidable <br />Finding: Changes have been incorporated into the proposed Zone that would <br />substantially lessen this impact, however, the changes would not reduce this impact <br />to a less -than -significant level. Mitigation Measure 4.B-3 is incorporated into the <br />proposed Zone. <br />Facts in Support of Finding: The following facts and mitigation measure indicate <br />that the impact will not be reduced to less than significant. <br />1. Operational activities related to the proposed Zone could result in <br />emissions of pollutants that exceed significance thresholds established by <br />the BAAQMD. <br />2. Implementation of Mitigation Measure 4.B-3 set forth in Table 6-1 of the <br />Final SEIR and listed in the MMRP will reduce the severity of Impact 4.B- <br />2; as discussed in the SEIR, even with implementation of Mitigation <br />Measure 4.B-2, this impact would not be reduced to a less -than -significant <br />level (i.e., whereby NOx and PM10 emissions levels from operation of uses <br />under anticipated buildout of the area of the proposed Zone would be below <br />the significance thresholds established by the BAAQMD). This mitigation <br />measure is hereby incorporated by reference and described below. <br />Mitigation Measure 4.B-3: All developers of sites within the EDZ area shall implement <br />Transportation Demand Management (TDM) measures, such as establishment of <br />commute trip reduction program(s) with employers to discourage single -occupancy <br />vehicle trips and encourage alternative modes of transportation such as car-pooling, <br />taking transit, walking, and biking. Developers if sites within the EDZ shall also <br />evaluate increasing transit accessibility to the EDZ, potentially including the use of a <br />BART shuttle. The voluntary commute trip reduction program(s) may include, but <br />would not be limited to, a ride -sharing program for which 50 percent or greater of site <br />employees are eligible, carpooling encouragement, preferential carpool parking, a <br />transportation coordinator, and ride -matching assistance. Specifically, TDM measures <br />shall incorporate the following components to be required in the Development <br />Agreements for individual projects, as appropriate to proposed land uses to be <br />developed: <br />38 <br />