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substantially lessen this impact, however, the changes would not reduce this impact <br />to a less -than -significant level. Mitigation Measure 4.B-2 is incorporated into the <br />proposed Zone. <br />Facts in Support of Finding: The following facts and mitigation measure indicate <br />that the impact will not be reduced to less than significant. <br />1. Operational activities related to the proposed Zone could result in <br />emissions of pollutants that exceed significance thresholds established by <br />the BAAQMD. <br />2. Implementation of Mitigation Measure 4.B-2 set forth in Table 6-1 of the <br />Final SEIR and listed in the MIMRP will reduce the severity of Impact 4.B- <br />3; as discussed in the SEIR, even with implementation of Mitigation <br />Measure 4.B-2, this impact would not be reduced to a less -than -significant <br />level (i.e., whereby NOx and PM10 emissions levels from operation of <br />uses under anticipated buildout of the area of the proposed Zone would be <br />below the significance thresholds established by the BAAQMD). This <br />mitigation measure is hereby incorporated by reference and described <br />below. <br />Mitigation Measure 4.B-2: All developers of sites within the EDZ area that are <br />located within 1,000 feet of sensitive receptors including church, school, senior <br />housing, or recreational uses (i.e., Valley Bible Church and Love & Care Preschool, <br />Club Sport, or other recreational uses) shall ensure that construction contract <br />specifications include a requirement that all off-road diesel -powered construction <br />equipment used during the construction activities within the EDZ area be equipped <br />with engines that meet or exceed either U.S. Environmental Protection Agency or <br />California Air Resources Board Tier 2 off-road emission standards, and are fitted <br />with Level 3 Verified Diesel Emissions Control (VDEC), which would reduce <br />diesel particulate emissions by at least 85 percent; or ensure that off-road diesel - <br />powered construction equipment engines meet interim or final Tier 4 emission <br />standards. <br />Site(s) affected: All sites within the proposed Zone. <br />(Draft SEIR, pp. 4.D-21 to 4.D-23.) <br />Impact 4.B-6 <br />Operation of uses within the area of the proposed Zone, when combined with past, <br />present and other reasonably foreseeable development in the vicinity of the proposed Zone, would <br />result in cumulative criteria air pollutant air quality impacts. <br />The SEIR evaluates the impacts on air quality that would result from construction <br />and operation activities that would take place within the area of the proposed Zone. The <br />assessment includes the potential for the proposed Zone to violate an air quality standard or <br />contribute substantially to an existing or projected air quality violation, to result in a cumulatively <br />considerable net increase of any criteria pollutant for which the region is in non -attainment, or to <br />40 <br />