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Please refer to Chapter 2 of the attached FSEIR (Attachment 2) for the current project <br />description, which was amended from the project description included in the DSEIR. <br />Please refer to Attachment 4, Exhibit A for the recommended list of uses that would be <br />permitted or conditionally permitted (as revised by the Planning Commission) and rules <br />for the continuance and expansion of existing uses. Please refer to Attachment 4, <br />Exhibit B for the recommended design guidelines within the JDEDZ project area. <br />DISCUSSION <br />General Plan <br />The project area currently has two General Plan land use designations: Business Park <br />(Industrial/Commercial and Office) and General and Limited Industrial, which do not <br />allow for the expanded range of retail, commercial, and hotel uses proposed by the <br />JDEDZ. Therefore, a General Plan Amendment is proposed to change the project <br />area's land use designation to Retail/Highway/Service Commercial; Business and <br />Professional Offices. <br />Staff believes the JDEDZ is consistent with the General Plan Land Use Policies and <br />Programs listed below, as the project would: (1) Transform the project area into a <br />thriving commercial corridor with a diverse mix of uses, while retaining, and in some <br />cases allowing for expansion of existing uses within the project area; (2) Create new <br />land uses and services in the community that would promote long-term economic <br />growth by generating substantial new revenues for the City; (3) Maximize the <br />development potential on an infill project area located along transportation corridors and <br />near transit by encouraging the development of both locally and regionally accessible <br />uses; and (4) Streamline the development review process for new land uses through <br />completed CEQA documentation and in most cases staff -level development review <br />processes. <br />General Plan - Land Use Element <br />• Program 2.2: Encourage the reuse of vacant and underutilized parcels and buildings <br />within existing urban areas. <br />• Policy 5: Evaluate land -use changes in the context of overall City welfare and goals, <br />as well as the impacts on surrounding neighborhoods. <br />• Program 5.1: When evaluating development proposals or changes in land use <br />consider General Plan policies, zoning ordinance standards, existing land uses, <br />environmental impacts, safety, and resident, merchant, and property owner <br />concerns. <br />• Program 5.2: Consider surrounding land uses and potential impacts when changing <br />land -use designations. <br />▪ Policy 13: Ensure that neighborhood, community, and regional commercial centers <br />provide goods and services needed by residents and businesses of Pleasanton and <br />its market area. <br />Page 6 of 22 <br />