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below the ground surface within the area of the proposed Zone. Encountering <br />contaminated soil, surface water, or groundwater without taking proper <br />precautions during site remediation within the proposed Zone could result in <br />the exposure of construction workers to hazardous materials and consequently <br />result in associated significant adverse human health and environmental <br />impacts. <br />2. Implementation of Mitigation Measures 4.E-7 and 4.E-8 set forth in Table 6-1 <br />of the Final SEIR and listed in the MMRP will ensure that Impact 4.E -5b <br />would be reduced to a less -than -significant level and is hereby incorporated by <br />reference and described below. <br />Mitigation Measure 4.E-7: Soil and Groundwater Plan. For proposed development <br />on all sites within the EDZ undergoing or requiring remediation of contaminated <br />soil or groundwater, and prior to issuance of a building or grading permit, the <br />project developer shall demonstrate that its construction specifications include <br />implementation of a Soil and Groundwater Plan (SGP) prepared by a qualified <br />environmental specialist (geologist or engineer) and reviewed and approved by the <br />agency or agencies with oversight over cleanup (San Francisco Regional Water <br />Quality Control Board [RWQCB] and/or State Department of Toxic Substances <br />Control [DTSC]). The SGP shall describe requirements for excavation, stockpiling, <br />and transport of soil and disturbance of groundwater. The SGP shall also include a <br />contingency plan to respond to the discovery of previously unknown <br />contamination. In addition, all construction activities shall require written approval <br />by either RWQCB or DTSC prior to commencement. The SGP shall be present on <br />site at all times as ensured by the construction lead, and readily available to site <br />workers and City staff as needed. <br />Site(s) affected: All sites within the area of the proposed Zone undergoing or <br />requiring remediation of contaminated soil or groundwater. <br />Mitigation Measure 4.E-8: Soil Vapor Barriers. For proposed development on all <br />sites within the EDZ undergoing or requiring remediation of contaminated soil or <br />groundwater, where residual contamination includes volatile components (such as <br />the chlorinated solvent TCE), and prior to issuance of a building or grading permit, <br />the project developer shall demonstrate to the City either that the building plans <br />include vapor barriers reviewed and approved by San Francisco Regional Water <br />Quality Control Board (RWQCB) or State Department of Toxic Substances Control <br />(DTSC) to be installed beneath foundations for the prevention of soil vapor <br />intrusion, or that RWQCB or DTSC has determined that installation of vapor <br />barriers is not necessary. <br />Site(s) affected: All sites within the EDZ area determined by the RWQCB or DTSC <br />to require the installation of vapor barriers in buildings. <br />(Draft SEIR, pp. 4.E-27 to 4.E-28.) <br />Impact 4.E -Sc and 4.E -5d <br />Development facilitated by the proposed Zone could potentially emit hazardous <br />emissions or handle hazardous or acutely hazardous materials, substances, or waste within one- <br />quarter mile of an existing or proposed school; and could be located on a site which is included on <br />35 <br />