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adjacent to wetland or water features from construction activities to reduce <br />the potential for incidental fill, erosion, or other disturbance beyond what is <br />necessary for bridge expansion and replacement; <br />• Signage shall be installed on the fencing to identify sensitive habitat areas <br />and restrict construction activities; <br />• No equipment mobilization, grading, clearing, or storage of equipment or <br />machinery, or similar activity shall occur at the site until a representative of <br />the City has inspected and approved the wetland protection fencing; and <br />• The City shall ensure that the temporary fencing is continuously maintained <br />until all construction activities are completed. <br />A fencing material meeting the requirements of both water quality protection and <br />wildlife exclusion shall be used. <br />Site(s) affected: All sites within the proposed Zone adjacent to wetlands. <br />Mitigation Measure 4.E-4: Compensation for Impacts to Wetlands and Other <br />Waters. Where jurisdictional wetlands and other waters cannot be avoided, to offset <br />temporary and permanent impacts that would occur as a result of the bridge <br />expansion and replacement, restoration and compensatory mitigation shall be <br />provided through the following mechanisms: <br />• Prior to construction, the City or Caltrans shall obtain relevant permits and <br />authorizations from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), California <br />Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW), and the San Francisco Bay <br />Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB); <br />• Consistent with the terms and conditions of these permits and <br />authorizations, the City or Caltrans shall compensate for the unavoidable <br />loss of wetlands and other waters at a minimum of a 1:1 ratio; and <br />• Compensation may be provided by one or more of the following methods: <br />1) on-site creation or habitat restoration, 2) off-site habitat creation, <br />restoration and/or enhancement, or 3) payment to an approved wetland <br />mitigation bank. <br />Mitigation bank credits, if available, shall be obtained prior to the start of <br />construction. On-site or off-site creation/restoration/enhancement plans must be <br />prepared by a qualified biologist prior to construction and approved by the <br />permitting agencies. Implementation of creation/restoration/enhancement activities <br />by the permittee shall occur prior to impacts, whenever possible, to avoid temporal <br />loss. On- or off-site creation/restoration/enhancement sites shall be monitored by <br />the City for at least five (5) years to ensure their success. <br />Site(s) affected: All sites within the proposed Zone. <br />30 <br />