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o Surveys shall be conducted by a qualified biologist prior to any tree removal <br />or building demolition. Removal of trees and structures shall occur when <br />bats are active, approximately between the periods of March 1 to April 15 <br />and August 15 to October 15; outside of bat maternity roosting season <br />(approximately April 15 — August 31) and outside of months of winter <br />torpor (approximately October 15 — February 28), to the extent feasible. <br />o If removal of trees and structures during the periods when bats are active is <br />not feasible and active bat roosts being used for maternity or hibernation <br />purposes are found on or in the immediate vicinity of the site where tree and <br />structure removal is planned, a no disturbance buffer of 100 feet shall be <br />established around these roost sites until they are determined to be no longer <br />active by the qualified biologist. A 100 -foot no disturbance buffer is a <br />typical protective buffer distance; however, buffer width may be modified <br />by the qualified biologist depending on existing screening around the roost <br />site (such as dense vegetation or a building) as well as the type of <br />construction activity which would occur around the roost site. <br />o The qualified biologist shall be present during tree and structure removal if <br />potential bat roosting habitat or active bat roosts are present. Trees and <br />structures with active roosts shall be removed only when no rain is <br />occurring or is forecast to occur for 3 days and when daytime temperatures <br />are at least 50°F. <br />o Removal of trees with potential bat roosting habitat or active bat roost sites <br />shall follow a two-step removal process: <br />1. On the first day of tree removal and under supervision of the <br />qualified biologist, branches and limbs not containing cavities or <br />fissures in which bats could roost, shall be cut only using chainsaws. <br />2. On the following day and under the supervision of the qualified <br />biologist, the remainder of the tree may be removed, either using <br />chainsaws or other equipment (e.g. excavator or backhoe). <br />Removal of structures containing or suspected to contain potential bat roosting <br />habitat or active bat roosts shall be dismantled under the supervision of the <br />qualified biologist in the evening and after bats have emerged from the roost to <br />forage. Structures shall be partially dismantled to significantly change the roost <br />conditions, causing bats to abandon and not return to the roost. <br />Site(s) affected: All sites within the proposed Zone. <br />(Draft SEIR, pp. 4.E-9 to 4.E-14.) <br />Impact 4.E -I c <br />Development facilitated by the proposed Zone could potentially have a substantial <br />adverse effect on federally protected wetlands. <br />28 <br />