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4. Transportation and Traffic <br />Impact 4.D-4: Development facilitated by the proposed Zone would affect levels <br />of service on mainline freeway segments under Existing plus Project conditions, but not to an <br />extent that a significant impact would occur. (Draft SEIR, pp. 4.D-50 to 4.D-52) <br />Impact 4.D-6: Development facilitated by the proposed Zone would affect levels <br />of service on mainline freeway segments under Far -term (Cumulative) plus Project conditions, <br />but not to an extent that a significant impact would occur. (Draft SEIR, p. 4.D-53) <br />Impact 4.D-8: Development facilitated by the proposed Zone would have an <br />impact on Metropolitan Transportation System roadways identified in the Congestion <br />Management Plan, including freeways, major arterials, and other major roadways as designated <br />by the Alameda CTC, but not to an extent that a significant impact would occur. (Draft SEIR, pp. <br />4.D-56 to 4.D-57) <br />Impact 4.D-10: Development facilitated by the proposed Zone would not result in <br />inadequate access for emergency vehicles. (Draft SEIR, pp. 4.D-60 to 4.D-65) <br />Impact 4.D-13: Development facilitated by the proposed Zone would generate <br />temporary increases in traffic volume and temporary effects on transportation conditions during <br />construction activities, but not to an extent that a significant impact would occur. (Draft SEIR, <br />pp. 4.D-67 to 4.D-68) <br />5. Biological Resources <br />Impact 4.E -lb: The proposed Zone would not have substantial adverse impacts on <br />any riparian habitat or other sensitive natural community within the proposed Zone. <br />Impact 4.E -1d: The proposed Zone would not interfere substantially with the <br />movement of any native resident or migratory fish or wildlife species or with established native <br />resident or migratory wildlife corridors, or impede the use of native wildlife nursery sites. <br />Impact 4.E -le: The proposed Zone would not conflict with any local policies or <br />ordinances protecting biological resources. <br />Impact 4.E -1f: The proposed Zone would not conflict with the provisions of an <br />adopted Habitat Conservation Plan, Natural Community Conservation Plan, or other approved <br />local, regional, or state habitat conservation plan. <br />(Draft SEIR, pp. 4.E-9 to 4.E-14) <br />6. Cultural Resources <br />Impact 4.E -2a: The proposed Zone would not cause a substantial adverse change in <br />the significance of a historical resource, as defined in CEQA Guidelines § 15064.5. <br />(Draft SEIR, pp. 4.E-18 to 4.E-19) <br />13 <br />