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7. Geology and Soils <br />Impact 4.E -4a: The proposed Zone would not result in any direct or cumulatively <br />considerable significant adverse impacts to geological resources exposing people or structures to <br />potential substantial adverse effects within the proposed Zone, including the risk of loss, injury, or <br />death involving: <br />i) Rupture of a known earthquake fault, <br />ii) Strong seismic ground shaking, <br />iii) Seismic -related ground failure, including liquefaction, or <br />iv) Landslides. <br />Impact 4.E -4b: The proposed Zone would not result in substantial soil erosion or the <br />loss of topsoil such that a significant adverse impact would occur. <br />Impact 4.E -4c: The proposed Zone would not be located on a geologic unit or soil <br />that is unstable, or that would become unstable as a result of the proposed Zone such that a <br />significant adverse impact would occur. <br />Impact 4.E -4d: The proposed Zone would not be located on expansive soil such that a <br />significant adverse impact would occur. <br />(Draft SEIR, pp. 4.E-20 to 4.E-21) <br />In addition, development facilitated by the proposed Zone would not result in the loss <br />of availability of a known mineral resource that would be of value to the region and the residents of <br />the state; and would not result in the loss of availability of a locally important mineral resource <br />recovery site delineated on a local general plan, specific plan, or other land use plan; therefore, the <br />proposed Zone would have no impact on mineral resources. <br />(Draft SEIR, p. 6-7) <br />8. Greenhouse Gas Emissions <br />Impacts 4.E -3a: The proposed Zone would not generate greenhouse gas emissions, <br />either directly or indirectly, that would have a significant impact on the environment. <br />Impacts 4.E -3b: The proposed Zone would not conflict with an applicable plan, <br />policy or regulation adopted for the purpose of reducing the emissions of greenhouse gases. <br />(Draft SEIR, pp. 4.E-24 to 4.E-26) <br />9. Hazards and Hazardous Materials <br />Impact 4.E -5a: The proposed Zone would not create a significant hazard to the <br />public or the environment through the routine transport, use, or disposal of hazardous materials. <br />Impact 4.E -5e: The proposed Zone would not impair implementation of or <br />physically interfere with an adopted emergency response plan or emergency evacuation plan. <br />Impact 4.E -5f: The proposed Zone would not expose people or structures to a <br />14 <br />