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Impact 4.A-4: The proposed Zone would not create new sources of substantial <br />light or glare within the area of the proposed Zone which would significantly adversely affect day <br />or nighttime views on individual project sites. (Draft SEIR, pp. 4.A-25 to 4.A-26) <br />Impact 4.A-5: The proposed Zone, in combination with other past, present, <br />existing, approved, pending, and reasonably foreseeable future projects would not have a <br />cumulatively considerable adverse impact to aesthetic resources. (Draft SEIR, p. 4.A-26) <br />2. Air Quality <br />Impact 4.B-5: The proposed Zone would not create objectionable odors affecting a <br />substantial number of people from operation of uses that would be developed within the area of the <br />proposed Zone. (Draft SEIR, p. 4.B-24) <br />3. Noise <br />Impact 4.0-2: The proposed Zone would not result in significant adverse impacts <br />from construction activities that would generate ground -borne vibration at neighboring sensitive <br />uses. (Draft SEIR, p. 4.0-15) <br />Impact 4.0-3: Development within the area of the proposed Zone could locate <br />commercial or residential uses near an existing rail (BART) line. Uses that may be developed within <br />the area of the proposed Zone would not be exposed to exterior and interior noise exposure from <br />train noise events such that a significant impact would result. (Draft SEIR, pp. 4.0-15 to 4.0-16) <br />Impact 4.0-4: Development within the area of the proposed Zone could locate <br />commercial or residential uses near an existing rail (BART) line. Uses that may be developed <br />within the area of the proposed Zone would not be exposed to vibration from train pass -by events <br />such that a significant impact would result. (Draft SEIR, p. 4.0-16) <br />Impact 4.0-5: Development within the area of the proposed Zone would generate <br />additional traffic on local area roadways that would increase traffic noise exposure relative to <br />existing conditions, but not to an extent that a significant impact would occur. (Draft SEIR, p. 4.C- <br />17) <br />Impact 4.0-6: New commercial land uses developed under Phase I of the proposed <br />Zone would not be exposed to noise levels in excess of the City of Pleasanton Noise Standards. <br />(Draft SEIR, pp. 4.0-17 to 4.0-19) <br />Impact 4.0-8: Development within the area of the proposed Zone would generate <br />construction noise that, in combination with construction noise associated with other buildout in <br />the City of Pleasanton, would not result in significant cumulative noise effects at noise -sensitive <br />uses. (Draft SEIR, p. 4.0-20) <br />Impact 4.0-9: Development within the area of the proposed Zone, in combination <br />with other foreseen projects in the City would not produce a significant cumulative increase in <br />traffic noise exposure. (Draft SEIR, pp. 4.0-20 to 4.0-22) <br />12 <br />