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Standards Code 1998 Edition, (24 C.C.R.) adopting by reference the Uniform Building Standard <br />25-2 Part III. <br /> <br />20.08.062 Section 1804.1 amended - General. <br /> <br />Section 1804.1 of the Califomia Building Standards Code 1998 Edition, (24 C.C.R.), and <br />including by reference the Uniform Building code, 1997 Edition, Parts 1, 2 and 3 is amended to <br />read as follows: <br /> <br />1804.1 General. A civil engineer or geotechnical engineer licensed in Califomia shall determine <br />the classification of the soil for all building sites. <br /> <br />EXCEPTION: <br />1. Group U occupancies <br />2. Additions to existing Group R3 occupancies when total added floor area is less than <br />50% of existing floor area and the slope of the lot does not exceed 15% <br />3. Accessories and minor additions may be exempted by the building official. <br /> <br />20.08.064 Section 1804.2 amended - General. <br /> <br />Section 1804.2 of the Califomia Building Standards Code 1998 Edition, (24 C.C.R.), and <br />including by reference the Uniform Building code, 1997 Edition, Parts 1, 2 and 3 is amended to <br />read as follows: <br /> <br />1804.2 Investigation. The investigation shall be based on observation and tests of the materials <br />disclosed by borings or excavations made in appropriate locations. Additional studies may be <br />necessary to evaluate soil strength, the effect of moisture variation on soil, bearing capacity, <br />compressibility, liquefaction and expansiveness. <br /> <br />20.08.065 Section 1804.3 amended- Reports. <br /> <br />Section 1804.3 of the Califomia Building Standards Code 1998 Edition, (24 C.C.R.), and <br />including by reference the Uniform Building code, 1997 Edition, Parts 1, 2 and 3 is amended to <br />read as follows: <br /> <br />1804.3 Reports. The soil classification and design-bearing capacity shall be shown on the plans, unless <br />the foundation conforms to Table 18-I-C. The building official may require submission of a written <br />report of the investigation, which shall include, but need not be limited to, the following information: <br /> <br />1. A plot showing the location of all test borings and/or excavations. <br />2. Descriptions and classifications of the materials encountered. <br />3. Elevation of the water table, if encountered <br /> <br /> 38 <br /> <br /> <br />