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Part I includes a Glossary, which is specifically applicable to this Part, and Appendix S. <br /> <br />Part I, Section 4.1 is revised in its entirety as follows: <br /> <br />4.1. Loads and Load Combinations. The loads and load combinations shall be those in <br />Section 1612.2 and Section 1612.4 except as modified throughout these provisions. <br /> <br />Section 9.1 of AISC 97 is revised by adding a second and third paragraph to read as follows: <br /> <br />The structural design of Special Moment Frame would be subject to review by a registered <br />engineer with expertise on the design of Special Moment Frame and as authorized by the <br />building official. The design methodology should also provide a means to account for limited <br />testing. This may be done by explicit consideration of statistical reliability. The design <br />methodology should accotmt for any unsuccessful tests of relevant specimens. This may be done <br />either by considering reliability or by distinguishing unsuccessful specimens from the prototype. <br /> <br />Nothing in this code shall prohibit a building official from requesting additional information to <br />address other structural considerations that may be deemed relevant to a specific project or <br />design. The building official may request design to other standards such as the latest and <br />updated reports by other recognized organizations such as SAC Joint Venture. <br /> <br />20.08.059 - Amended - Section 3301.2.1 Encroachment Permit. <br /> <br />Section 3301.2.1 of the Califomia Building Standards Code 1998 Edition, (24 C.C.R.) adopting <br />by reference the Uniform Building Code 1997 Editiont, Parts 1, 2, and 3 is amended to read as <br />follows: <br /> <br />Encroachment Permit. Any use of public property as may be outlined in this Chapter requires <br />the builder to obtain an encroachment permit prior to such use and is subject to the approval of <br />the Director of Public Works. The condition of the encroachment permit in the public property <br />may delete, add or modify any conditions in this Chapter. <br /> <br />20.08.060 - Amended - Section 3403.1 Buildings and Structures, General <br /> <br />Section 3403.1 of the California Building Standards Code 1998 Edition, (24 C.C.R.) adopting by <br />reference the Uniform Building Code is amended to read as follows: <br /> <br />General. Buildings and structures to which additions, alterations or repairs are made shall <br />comply with all the requirements of this Code for new facilities except as specifically provided in <br />this section. See Section 310.9 for provisions requiring installation of smoke detectors in <br />existing Group R, Division 3 Occupancies. When an addition or alteration affects more than <br />20% of the existing suspended ceiling system, then the entire ceiling system within the <br />improvement area is to be designed for lateral design requirements of the Califomia Building <br />37 <br /> <br /> <br />