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PC 083116
City of Pleasanton
PC 083116
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organization wants to operate in town, they're usually able to find a space for it. We're <br />working with a handful of them right now in different zoning districts and General Plan <br />designated sites throughout the city. I don't think any of them in terms of our current <br />religious applications are looking at public and institutional sites. I think they're all <br />looking at other sites. <br />Chair Ritter: So the answer's no, there's no need for that right now <br />Commissioner Balch: This is just a workshop so the conditions you mentioned earlier, <br />those are still being crafted for later? <br />Beaudin: Yes, and can I just let Adam maybe add to that last point. <br />Weinstein: Yes, it's important. I don't want to say that public and institutional land is not <br />used in the City and we shouldn't be really, really careful about amending the land use <br />designation for sites like this, but there are lots of considerations to look at when there's <br />an application like this. We look at the overall amount of acreage in the city that's <br />designated for public and institutional uses. We look at what the demand is for public <br />and institutional lands both at this time and in the future so I definitely don't want to <br />downplay or discount the seriousness of re- designating a site from something to <br />something else, but again, there are lots of considerations we look at. It doesn't appear <br />to us there's a shortage of public and institutional land at this point in time. It doesn't <br />mean there couldn't be such a shortage in the future. It's hard to anticipate how <br />conditions will change in the future. <br />Chair Ritter: Okay, great. Thank you. Again, this is a workshop so how many have been <br />at a workshop before? (A few hands were raised) A workshop is an opportunity for us <br />to exchange ideas and to give staff and the developer some feedback based on what <br />we see so far. It sounds like there has been good outreach. We're going to have a <br />report from the applicant first, but I wanted to point out that's what a workshop is. After <br />we hear from the applicant, we'll have those who have filled out speaker cards come up. <br />THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS OPENED. <br />Pam Hardy, Applicant: Good evening Chair Ritter, Commissioners and staff. I wanted to <br />thank the Commission as well as staff for accommodating the application as well as the <br />Valley Trails Community with a special meeting tonight. We appreciate that. I'm going to <br />make my remarks somewhat limited because I know there's a whole lot of folks here in <br />the audience that I'm sure would like to speak sooner than later. I think staff's done an <br />excellent job on the staff report. Again, thank you. A couple of fill -in's from what the staff <br />alluded to but may not have pointed out specifically is that we have not only been <br />working with the community at large in Valley Trails for the past two years and as <br />highlighted in your staff report, through that iterative process with the neighborhood, <br />yes, the project has changed. We've made a lot of refinements. We've reduced the <br />number of lots and because of it; we've produced a better plan as a result of <br />neighborhood input. So we've had a very good collaborative and working relationship <br />over the past two years and we've come out with a better design because of it. <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, August 31, 2016 Page 9 of 58 <br />
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