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City of Pleasanton
PC 083116
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I'm a little bit new to your workshop session here so just bear with me a little bit. In my <br />mind, I can answer some questions of the Commission; that there are 14 single stories. <br />I counted one a little different from staff, but we were very careful on how we plotted <br />these houses. If you look on your site development plan, you'll see every single one of <br />the lots have been pre - plotted with a plan type. Why is that? When we met with the <br />neighborhood, we got individual input on all these houses so we were trying to be very <br />sensitive to the one- and the two -story and the spatial relationship between our existing <br />neighbors and the new homes, many of which may meet the existing zoning <br />requirements but many that don't. So our project will meet and exceed the R -1 -6,500 <br />standard as well. <br />With respect to the General Plan Amendment, I think that's been covered quite well by <br />staff. Again, in our discussions with the neighborhood, we agree with them that this <br />proposal is far more superior and will be a less intensive impact to the neighborhood <br />and a typical P &I use; something that will create more traffic, more potential for noise <br />and things of that nature. I think the Commission recently had an application before you <br />with the Masonic Lodge and those are classic situations where you have a P &I use <br />that's adjoining an established residential neighborhood. So we took that well into <br />account in laying out our site plan and putting together our development standards. <br />With respect to the amenities staff mentioned earlier, we are below what would be <br />otherwise considered the mid -point of this proposed General Plan designation; the <br />General Plan designation at the low density being consistent with the zoning of <br />R -1- 6,500. Regardless, we are proposing an amenity package which I do believe you <br />received in your agenda report. We are committing to about $300,000 of improvements <br />that will specifically improve the Valley Trails neighborhood, not Citywide, but <br />specifically for the Valley Trails community at large, and this is in addition to the citywide <br />impact fees that this project will generate in terms of traffic mitigation and park in -lieu <br />dedications. And if you have any questions on that I'll be happy to answer that, but <br />they're pretty far ranging. They involve a lot of upgrades to the public park, other <br />landscape improvements perhaps to the entry area, some traffic calming features. This <br />is more input and feedback that we expect to get as we move further down the road in <br />working with the neighborhood and with City staff. <br />A lot of discussion about the clubhouse— again, this was a strong sentiment that the <br />neighborhood shared with us in their desire to have a community meeting space. They <br />felt that would be the heart of their community so taking that into consideration, we <br />proposed one of two potential locations within our project site that could be for that <br />purpose. We're proposing to construct the building and deliver it turnkey. Our position <br />has always been and it remains that if it is going to be for the public's use, that it be a <br />public facility; however, further down the road we would like to have more dialogue with <br />the City about how we can best help in offsetting those long term maintenance costs. If <br />the public restroom is to be a public facility, if should be accessible by the public. So <br />we're not at this point proposing that our project HOA take on that maintenance <br />responsibility. But again, this is a workshop. We'd love to get your feedback about the <br />site plan and design, and as we go forward and working with the Parks Commission, <br />coming back to you and going to the City Council, refining that dialogue with respect to <br />this type of facility. <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, August 31, 2016 Page 10 of 58 <br />
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