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PC 083116
City of Pleasanton
PC 083116
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Beaudin: Yes, we'll make sure. There are a couple of things I might add at this point just <br />to clarify. Neighborhood traffic calming: there's an entire program we run here in <br />Pleasanton when we need neighborhood traffic calming looked at. In this particular <br />instance we do have a development application and we can certainly try and <br />consolidate some of that, but ultimately it's a very public process. All of the neighbors <br />come to consensus on where those speed bumps are going to be or where the flashing <br />sign's going to be so it's a process the neighborhood may want to initiate as part of this <br />project that would take some amount of time and be separate from the project <br />ultimately. <br />Chair Ritter: Okay, and I think you mentioned about setbacks so the yard's a little <br />bigger. Was it in front that the garage setback? <br />Weinstein: Yes, we just wanted the garage to be pushed back a little bit or at least have <br />that explored. We like pedestrian- oriented projects and the more you can push the <br />garage back; the more you can de- emphasize the garage, the more that promotes a <br />neighborhood that's really walkable and not oriented to automobiles. <br />Chair Ritter: Okay, and porches, that was the other thing I was going to bring up. I did <br />like that concept. And then finally, oh, the sidewalks —I liked the concept of keeping the <br />same sidewalks that we currently have there, the width, versus trying to make them <br />smaller or larger so it blends easy. So follow the curved path. <br />Commissioner Nagler: Okay, so follow the path, whatever the width is through the park. <br />Chair Ritter: Yes, what was it, 7 or 8 feet? Just so it looks more natural— that's all. Let's <br />move onto Number 4: <br />Are the home model types and elevations acceptable? <br />Commissioner Balch: Well since I forgot to mention porches and garages and you did, I <br />think I will echo that we've starting seeing a lot of buildings coming through with porches <br />and I think there's nothing but benefit that comes from the porch elements. I think the <br />City has been emphasizing it more and I support that concept. The garage pushed back <br />is probably secondary to those two concerns to me, but I don't want to speak on behalf <br />of everyone. I think in terms of the design and what they've done, I would like to say <br />Ponderosa has designed some very attractive houses. I really do think they've got a <br />nice variety between the loft element, the two -story and the single story and then across <br />them the different model types within each of those sizes. So I think it's actually a pretty <br />nice variety and it won't look like the same house just one door over, right? And that's <br />what I'd like to avoid so I think it's a nice layout. <br />Commissioner Nagler: Yeah, I agree. I was going to start with that comment. I think the <br />architecture is very well thought through. The variety and placement of lots I think is <br />very well thought through. It is very sensitive - -I've heard this from neighbors —to the <br />impact on existing homes and so I appreciate Ponderosa's work in all that regard. What <br />I said the last time when I make my comment in the next category which is that very <br />point; about the pushbacks on setbacks on Valley Trails. I think it's important on that <br />road that the setbacks be significant. The porches are important and if it includes <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, August 31, 2016 Page 28 of 58 <br />
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