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Commissioner Balch: Okay, thank you. And then because it's under site plan. I'll just <br />say that I want to re- emphasize in my opinion and also as you've stated in the staff <br />report-1 think I've read it incorrectly but I'm pretty tired, but I want to mention that the <br />11 off -site trees they are not touching, they are to stay given they are not on their <br />property so I wouldn't expect them to chop down their neighbor's tree or the tree in the <br />park because it's not theirs. So I just want to emphasize that. And in terms of my other <br />question, Lots 29 through 37 are the lots along Valley Trails Drive and I'll just mention <br />this because I know Valley Trails Drive and all I'll say given it's a workshop is that this is <br />not a meandering street. This is a fairly well traveled road. So all I will say is the <br />setbacks for these lots in my opinion need to make sure, and it might be properly <br />designed now and I'm not saying it's not, but they need to be a little bit more or <br />adequate in light of if it was on a court where you're not having higher speed limits. I'll <br />just say it like that because if I had my weathers I wouldn't put in any more houses with <br />a driveway onto that road in my general opinion. I think this plan though works well so <br />I'm not suggesting that that change out. With that being said, the setbacks or maybe we <br />could just confirm we're okay. You know the person on Lot 32, he's going to be able to <br />see both directions pretty easily, but the person on Lot 31 and 33, they're going to have <br />a slight blind element backing out of their driveway. So I don't know if setbacks help at <br />all, but they might be perfectly adequate. <br />And lastly is the traffic calming mitigation. I know people brought it up about Valley <br />Trails Drive. At this point for me, I know that's outside the scope of it and my opinion on <br />that is that they need to talk to the City more generally as community if they need traffic <br />mitigation. We've heard a lot of neighborhoods come forward with traffic mitigation <br />concerns or desires and I think, and just a bad generalization is that most people when <br />they say it, they want it, but when they realize something in front of their house will be a <br />blinking light they don't want it in front of their house. Put it on the neighbor's house, and <br />then it just gets moving down the street and it's never in the neighborhood. So, we'll say <br />we will evaluate it or say we could, I'm not going to put it on the bend for the overall <br />bigger community in my opinion. That's it. <br />Commissioner Nagler: I think that the overall site plan is fine and I just have these very <br />specific questions or comments. One, I just want to make sure —it was raised -1 just <br />want to make sure that the tot lot is still part of the plan which I'm sure it is, but I just <br />want to make sure. The second is again, just to echo Commissioner Balch, I appreciate <br />your comments about the post stop lights at the intersection. I think that's unnecessary <br />and in fact in the end if it's an uncontrolled intersection I think that's preferable just <br />because the amount of daily trips that are going to be added to the street are not that <br />significant at the intersection. The traffic calming measures that were generally <br />discussed I would encourage staff to continue to focus on because even though I say <br />what I say about the intersection I think overall, the way cars come around that <br />horseshoe needs to be looked at so I think that's significant. <br />Chair Ritter: I would like us to make sure we're looking at the traffic issue on Hopyard <br />because there is 37 more homes coming out there. And if we did have to do traffic <br />calming on the curve here, I think right off the corner on Lassen would be the main spot <br />to slow people down coming around the curve, but I would defer to Tassano's report on <br />traffic quantities. <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, August 31, 2016 Page 27 of 58 <br />